Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019


In order to use the Agile PrestaShop Paypal Adaptive module in a production environment, you will need to get Paypal API creddentials (API signature) and Application ID.  Here guide you through getting your Application ID from Paypal.

For information on how to get API credential (API signature), please visit here

If you only use the basic service of Adaptove API, you wll get your Application ID instantly.  However, if you are going to use an advanced service like chained payments, Paypal will review and approve your application before you can get your Application ID.



- if you use Agile Paypal Parallel module, you do not need Application ID, you only need API credentials.

- if you use Sandbox mode, you can use the Application ID that showing at the module configuration screen.

How to get Application ID from Paypal

1. Create a developer profile at

Usually the developer of the module or developer of your online store needs to do this for you. But because it is linked to your Paypal account, you have to log in to your Paypal account. So for safety purposes, it is better that you (store owner) to do it yourself.

If this is your first time, you will be asked to create an profile.


2. Submitting Your Application

For detailed instructions, please visit here from Paypal