Agile Order Recovery for PrestaShop 1.3/1.4

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Agile Order Recovery for PrestaShop 1.3/1.4

Postby shokinro » Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:23 am

When you should use this added function?

Use case 1: If you want to create orders manually for your customer, you can use the front office to register and create cart, then go to the back office and use this function to generate orders in just one click. For example, phone order.

Use case 2: Because of system issues (usually in the payment system), customer placed the order and paid the order, but the system was not able to create the order.

How to Install

1. Unzip downloaded package
2. Copy AgileCartsExt.php to following folder
3. Log in to you back office to change the "Carts" tab setting

A .for 1.3x: [Tools] - [Tabs], find "Carts" record and click edit icon.
for 1.4x: [Employees] - [Tabs], find "Shopping Carts" record and click edit icon.
B. change Class to from "AdminCarts" to "AgileCartsExt" and save it

That's it, you are all set.

Some Notes
1. If an order has been created from the cart, then you are not able to generate orders from this cart.
2. If there is not enough information, for example, no customer information, you will not able to generate orders from the cart.

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Agile Order Recovery for PrestaShop 1.3/1.4
(2.03 KiB) Downloaded 2177 times
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