About the module
This module will provide a showcases functionlaity to PretsaShop online store. This module will help PrestaShop onwer to promote their online store and your business by displaying showcases.
Compatible version of PrestaShop 1.4x
Main features
Customer can list or submit his business or website as showcase at your online PrestaShop store, as long as they have purchased your prodcuts or service from you PrestaShop stroe.
There will be latest showcase block to display on left column or right column based on your configuraiton of the Agile PrestaShop showcases manager module.
There is a showcase list will list all shoacase submited with brief information
The showcases list can be easily filtered out by products or services that provided at your Prestashop store.
Each showcase will need admin to approve it before it will be appear on front store.
You can set a limit the number of showcases to be submited by one customer to prevent spam.
There is also a capcha to verify customer input to prevent spam post of showcases
Admin is able to modify each field data of each the showcase at back office admin tab
The following information is included in the showcase
site name/business
website url
website screen image
country/regison (display with a flag and name
description of site/business
products or services used (multiple selletion)
comment/reviews about the products used