There seems to be a bug in the system:
System Info
Prestashop Latest 1.5
Agile Modules:
Paypal Parallel Payments
Seller Shipping
Module Settings
1. Multi Seller - Allow Customer to be Seller? Checked YES
2. Memberships Multi-Seller Integration? Checked YES
When does this happen?
Create an Account Page
• Guest user clicks "Register" to create an account
• Guest trying to purchase an item and directed to create an account
What Happens?
When guest is taken to the create account page, they fill in the standard address and info fields, including zipcode. But the user doesn't want to become a seller so they leave that box UN-checked and fields empty. Then the user clicks the register button and gets this error message:
"The Zip/Postal code you've entered is invalid. It must follow this format: 00000"
The user can't continue or purchase the item unless they select the box to create a seller account. Once a zipcode is entered into the Seller Account info field, the user can continue with purchase or account creation with no error.
**If I disable "Allow Customer to be Seller", the Seller Account section is removed from the page and the user is able to get through checkout and account creation with no errors.
Best Working Option
When on the account creation page, the user should have the option of selecting to become a seller. If they leave that box UN-checked and don't fill in fields, they should not have any issues with purchases or creating a standard custom account. If later the user wants to upgrade to a seller account, they can purchase a membership from the membership category and their account should then be upgraded.
Please let us know how to fix this so we can move forward. Thank you very much