Usually, there is a limit of currencies at your Pyapal account. You are not able to accept any currencies. That's why the module let you choose a currency restrictions. But customer is able to pay by any currencies as long as Paypal support.
But PayPal allows you to take Euros and Pounds by default. But Agile paypal express check out will only let people pay with the shop's default currency.
I mean... to help you understand better. All paypal account has no problem taking Euros, then why would Agile paypal express check out want to process the transaction in usd? (default currency)?
I don't think your Paypal account will be able to accept all currencies. So I don't think it is relevant.
Yes, that's true. so forget about this question and let's focus on Euros. Thank in advance for your answeres.
***if it is really possible to check out an item with converted price, please let me know how. Thanks.