Moderator: jeffayao_1666
7. "Shared Shipping" - Sellers are not able to "share shipping" - ship all products from different sellers together.
7. "Shared Shipping" - Sellers are not able to "share shipping" - ship all products from different sellers together.
Even products from different sellers in the same shopping cart, we assume that the products from different sellers will be shipped separately by each seller. So if your stores seller products requires shipping, you either use Shopping cart mode "Products from single seller", or please use our Agile Seller Shipping module, otherwise the shipping fee will not be displayed correctly after order split.
Please note - Seller are still able to share a shipping carrier - use the same public carrier - for example, all sellers can use UPS or American Post.
i would like to purchase this but we would like to know more about the system and will be compatible with our current theme.
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