Moderator: jeffayao_1666
for those having the same issue with Paypal this is the link ... ke-failure
Hello, I installed this module and it works very good.
When a customer order products from différent seller, on paypal page, there is the name of the website and Paypal seller name is displayed below in the detail of paypal payment.
My problem is when a customer order products from only one seller, there is only the name of the website but the paypal seller name don't show anywhere.
Hello, I have install your modules bankwire, cheque and paypal parallel. They are working great.
When a customer make an order from multiple sellers, in cheque and bankwire modules, if one of the seller don't allow cheque payment for exemple, there is a message saying that. Same thing if a seller don't allow bankwire payment.
If one of the sellers don't want to allow paypal payment method, there is an error and customer can't pay with paypal. How can we do if only few sellers don't want to use paypal payment method?
Module don't show if ordering products only from seller who don't choose it. If one of products is from a seller who configured paypal account, module show up.
Is it possible to write the seller company of seller who don't use paypal method on the error page?
Customer order Product1 and Product2, paypal module show up and if customer choose to pay with paypal there is an error because one paypal email is invalid.
How can I hide paypal module in that case?
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