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PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:00 pm
by shokinro
What is it
It is a seller rating /comment module, is an accessory module of Agile Multiple Seller module. Buyer can feedback about seller by leaving comment and rating for the seller he/she buys product from.

This module only works together with Agile Multiple Seller module.

Compatible Version
It is compatible with PrestaShop 1.6x (Contact us for lower version of PrestaShop)

Only buyers can put rating/comment for sellers.
One order(transaction) one rating/comment only
There will a feedback waiting list for each buyer that list all orders/transactions for him/her to leave feedback.
At front office product detail page, there is Seller rating Summary info with 5 stars ratings
There is summary/average rating and rating/comment history for each seller
There are 3 predefined criteria: shipping, service, communication
You can add/modify/delete any number of criteria

Update History
Update History
Version 1.1.0 - 2012.06.30
- Seller is able to respond a message to a buyer's rating/review

Version1.2.0 - 2012.10.20
- Module is adjusted to be compatible with PrestaShop 1.5x

Version1.2.1 - 2012.12.01
- Integrated with new released Agile Multiple Shop module which allow each seller to have a virtual shop, virtual directory and seperated themes.

Version1.2.3 - 2013.01.22
- Seller is able to respond to buyer's comment/rating, the response will also be dispalyed on seller's rating list.

Version1.2.4 - 2013.03.24
- Add link from Seller Rating sumamry on product page to Virtual Shop (PrestaShop 1.5x) or Seller products page(PrestaShop 1.4)
- Do not allow seller to feedback ranting for him/hersef. The transactions will be excluded from rating feedback list even seller palces order from his/her own store.
- Changed to use Seller Company instead of "Firstname/lastname" for seller name
- Fixed: Seller response to customer back was missing from rating list

Version 1.2.5 - 2013.04.07
- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.5.4
- Fixed an issue - Seller Name(company) is not displayed on ranting summary page

Version 2.0.0 - 2014.04.19
- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.6x
- Support responsive theme design
- Fixed the link Seller Name to Seller Shop home page at seller average rating
- New feature - show seller rating on seller's private category
- Show Seller Rating on product list page

PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:56 pm
by tzonev.niki_807

i want to buy the module AGILE SELLER/VENDOR RATING 1.0 FOR PRESTASHOP 1.4X, is it available?

Best Regards

Re: PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:13 pm
by shokinro
thanks for your inquiry.

I don't know why the product stock quantity became 0 somehow.
now it is ok I have changed it. you can purchase now.

thanks for contacting us.

PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:44 pm
by roberta_1273
I bought the Agile Seller Rating and it works ok. The issue I have is that it does not translate to spanish in all labels. Even that I completed all translations. Please see attached images.

see attached screenshot

Re: PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:49 pm
by shokinro
thank you very much for your feedback.
I will fix the issue and give you an update shortly. The new version of the module will be sent to your private message box shortly.

Re: PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:50 pm
by myriam_1522
I have purchased and installed this module.

One (simple for you) thing that would make this module a lot more user friendly is if when the client is viewing a product and clicks on the seller review, he gets taken to the page ratinglist.php. Is there a way to put a link on this page to take the client back to the product that he was viewing, once he has read the reviews ( without having to click 'back' in the browser)

Re: PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:37 pm
by shokinro
Thanks for your inquiry.

One (simple for you) thing that would make this module a lot more user friendly is if when the client is viewing a product and clicks on the seller review, he gets taken to the page ratinglist.php. Is there a way to put a link on this page to take the client back to the product that he was viewing, once he has read the reviews ( without having to click 'back' in the browser)

This seems like a simple function, but it is a little complicated. you have remember from which page and if it is from product page, you also need to know which product. This has to be remembered in session, because if you save the data in form or url, it will get lost if user click goes to other pages or have pagination of rating page. In session, need to consider a timing to clear the data. will think about it if there is an easy way to do that.

PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:22 am
by mario_umpierrez_1750

There is a way the seller could feedback too?

Kind regards,


PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:24 pm
by mario_umpierrez_1750
that the seller could give a feedback to the buyer.?

Re: PrestaShop Seller/Vendor rating/comment module

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:46 pm
by shokinro
Thanks for your inquiry
No, currently seller is not able to respond the buyer's rating.
We will add this function in the future to allow seller to respond one message for each rating.

Seller is now able to respond customer rating/comment.