merging products

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merging products

Postby andre.danner_4325 » Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:25 pm


I am just studying some of your source files in order To find the right way To customize the products listed per shop the following way:

I want to merge the products listed in the mainstore with those which have been added by seller/shop owner. If customer finds a seller by Name or location and navigates to the Sellers shop I want to display both groups of products. The private ones & the ones from mainstore. Shopping cart should then be filled with products from both shops and is assigned to the seller.

Any suggestion ?

BR andre
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Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:49 pm

Re: merging products

Postby shokinro » Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:07 am

thanks for using our modules.

I want to merge the products listed in the mainstore with those which have been added by seller/shop owner. If customer finds a seller by Name or location and navigates to the Sellers shop I want to display both groups of products. The private ones & the ones from mainstore. Shopping cart should then be filled with products from both shops and is assigned to the seller.

It might be difficult to do so, but you can try to look into following file to see if you an do that or not.


Please also keep the both following file the same as the one above.
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