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Multiseller and paypal

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:49 pm
by noe_tessier_4259
I've been using multiseller module along with parralelle payment, and seller commision module for a while now and I realy enjoy it.
I have 2 kind of sellers: some want to link a paypal acount and have their payment transfered directly and some prefer to be pay by cheque once a month.
They all have a seller account to manage their inventory.
I want to use the option: "shop and seller receive the paiement"
Yet, when a seller don't have any paypal account linked, I have an error during the paiement process saying that the paypal adress is incorrect.
I try to use my shop adresse for those sellers who don't want to use paypal, but I can use it only once in the seller payment info section.
Is there a way to link those sellers to the shop paypal adresse?

Re: Multiseller and paypal

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:20 pm
by shokinro
It is possible to make custom changes at payment module to add amount to the store of the seller does not have email address. But it is difficult to track that if the amount is received by seller or by store unless you check your paypal account. It may also cause other issues, We do not recommend you doing this way.

Re: Multiseller and paypal

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:03 pm
by noe_tessier_4259
is there a way to assign the same paypal adress to different seller acount? so the payment of seller with no paypal account can be tranfered to my paypal adress. It's all local sellers and before using your module we had a normal facturation process.

Re: Multiseller and paypal

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:02 am
by shokinro
is there a way to assign the same paypal adress to different seller acount? so the payment of seller with no paypal account can be tranfered to my paypal adress. It's all local sellers and before using your module we had a normal facturation process.

We never tried in this way, not sure if Paypal will allow the same paypal email address for multiple recipients transaction.
You may have a try to see if it works or not.

Just remembered that our module validate paypal email address when you enter paypal email address for sellers. So you are not able to do that via GUI.
In order to try that, you need manually change that in database ps_agile_seller_paymentinfo table.
If that works, we can consider to do some custom changes to remove the validation.