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Seller's private shipping

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:56 am
by cong_pine_3441
Are sellers suppose to have private shipping carrier in P1.7?
When I tested with 2 sellers, they are able to see all the shipping carrier and edit them too
I'm running agilemultipleseller- / agilesellershipping-

Re: Seller's private shipping

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:40 am
by shokinro
thanks for using our modules.

Are sellers suppose to have private shipping carrier in P1.7?

Seller can have private shipping carriers and seller should not be able to edit private shipping carrier, but should be able to see public shared shipping carriers.

When I tested with 2 sellers, they are able to see all the shipping carrier and edit them too
I'm running agilemultipleseller- / agilesellershipping-

Does this happens at front store - My seller Account - Shipping tab?
or it happens at back office?

we have just updated the modules, please try the latest version to see if the issue persists.