PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:29 pm

thanks for using our modules
I have bought and downloaded the paypal express checkout, and now having problems shipping, I have a postal delivery module that is to set up a free carrier to certain postcodes, for some reason the Agile module does not recognise this. How do I fix this?

The express check out module at "express checkout" mode does not support this kind of carriers that linked to a module. because at "express checkout" mode, we are not able to determine postal code. but it should be able at normal checkout mode.

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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Sun Dec 07, 2014 7:53 pm

Hello again, i just got the latest update today.
and notice in payment settings under module
You no longer can't check the following

Customer currency
Shop default currency

do not if it's related to this part.. but i had a customer buy from me from germany.
and used euro.. agile module is set to Swedish SEK as primary currency , aswell as my paypal account on is set with sek as primary currency

i have fixed shipping worldwide as i ship small things so usually just small evelopes
so fixed shipping in my case is 14 sek... which equals 1.51 euro...
when the customer had bought the items, the customer got an error message .. and emailed me about this

and in my backoffice i noticed that agile paypal had returned that he had paid to much because now
shipping became 1.51 SEK instead of 14 Sek so it returned the euro to sek without any currency conversion

so i had to manually validate the order. because the amount recieved into my paypal account was correct,
it was just returned from agile paypal that the amount paid for shipping was 1.51 sek
so prestashop thought there was an overpayment of 12.49 sek.

i have not used choose country in this case as shipping is fixed for all countries.. it seemed to work just to do like this before in previous version.
without problems regarding shipping as long as i had shop default currency set,
(which also if not choose previously seemed to mess up prices too and not just shipping, but this is not the case now anyhow.)

i do have 4 currencies in my shop, shop default is SEK, i also have usd,pound and euro..

so is this error related to me not having choose country ? i would rather not have choose country at all as its kind of uncesseary in the sence that it won't affect shipping and just makes one more moment in order that from my side do not make any difference..

cheers daemon
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:41 pm

not sure which version of PrestaShop and which version of the module. you should still be able to choose use multiple currency,
but you can only choose one currency for your Paypal account to receive payment.
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:10 pm

Error message that all get when not using SEK
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.35.08.png

Wrong shipping returned into order:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.58.32.png

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.49.06.png
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.49.06.png (15.98 KiB) Viewed 4223 times

Agile Paypal:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.52.19.png

Agile settings:
(x in paypal adress only changed for picture, got a working adress there..)
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.43.38.png

Shop currency settings:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.40.30.png currency setting:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.41.59.png
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.41.59.png (14.31 KiB) Viewed 4223 times

Shop shipping setting:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.48.14.png
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 16.48.14.png (30.98 KiB) Viewed 4223 times

Making a test order in shop in euro with exactly the same items the above order had:
In shop:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 17.01.40.png
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 17.01.40.png (15.08 KiB) Viewed 4223 times

In paypal:
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 17.05.12.png
Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 17.05.12.png (32.74 KiB) Viewed 4223 times

So far so good... but when payment is registerd in prestashop it makes the euro amount of shipping into sek.
payment recived is shipment costs in SEK, but prestashop thinks shipment is is same amount as euro but in sek, instead of 14 sek shipping all of the sudden is approx 1.51 sek, but 1.51 was euro and not sek.

something seems wrong with either how paypal returns shipping costs or with the agile module not handling shipping costs correctly.

Please check out if something is wrong with agile how it treats the shipment cost .. something is really wrong somewhere and its kinda anoying to have this bug. it does not save me any time to have to send messages to all people who use a foreign currency that it did work and that there is a bug in the system..

everything seems to work just fine except the shipping cost part...
no error with any order that was placed in SEK. only error in euro...
and i can't see what could have been wrong in any setting i've made.
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:52 pm

anyhow with all that said,its a great wonderful module, hope this error can be fixed..
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:52 pm

Hello, have you checked this?
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:26 am

thanks for using our modules.
if you are using the latest version of the module, you have to configure the currency at module configuration screen.
You can only choose one currency that your Paypal account accept.
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:14 pm

Seriously have you even read what i wrote?, i spent almost 1 hour to make pictures and everything...

please re read what i wrote....

once again in short version

customer uses currency other (euro/usd,etc ) then main currency (SEK)
uses agile module to pay...(that is set to use main currency SEK)
get transfered to paypal and pays total in SEK
when order is returned to prestashop
shipping is still returned as other currency's # value but in SEK then main currency as paid...
but right shipping was paid in paypal

see pictures it shows better what i mean

so prestashop gets an error an every order i receive that was shopped with any other currency then main currency.
so ALL orders recived that way i have to manually accept, and answer questions to buyer who is concerened with this error..

please re-read what i wrote and see pictures that's in the post...

basicly this agile paypal module only works 100% correct if you only have one currency in store that matches paypal currency.....
never had this problem in previous versions....
could of course be something else that turned sour, something at paypal or in prestashop but haven't gotten this error when people have bought as a logged in user and paid with ordinary paypal module
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:31 pm

1 month since i first reported this and all i gotten was no real response.. .... seriously... .....
I'm uninstalling this module .... its not possible to use this... and the support is none existant....

Have you tried to set "Paypal Account Currency" to "SEK" instead of "Corona" at Agile Paypal module configuration?
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PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby pablogpm_4609 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:25 pm

Hi, I am interested in this module and I need to know if there is support for prestashop version.
Also, if it is possible to offer the recurrent payments only in selected products, not all of them.
Is there an spanish language support?
Thank you
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