Terms and conditions for every seller

You are welcome to post here any new feature suggestions and/or requests for any of our Agile Modules. We will consider requests for possible inclusion in future module releases, or for the creation of new modules.

Before you post, however, please first search the forum to see if there is already a similar request or suggestion.

Moderator: jeffayao_1666

Re: Terms and conditions for every seller

Postby dkotwicka_2240 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:29 pm

It could be very usefull.
Now in European Union with order confirmation mail should be send terms & conditions and other infos (2- 3 PDF files) and would be great if seller could be for example select some custome fields,which should be send as PDF attachment to order confirmation mail. Or 1 - 2 custome fields (html/text) can be added and selected (as attachment) by seller and next one can be added (from CMS list) and selected by admin as main files.

Kinro, i believe in you.
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Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:32 pm


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