GDPR - New EU law will effect all marketplaces

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GDPR - New EU law will effect all marketplaces

Postby carlo.macis_15320 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:00 pm

By May 2018 all websites collecting customer information must comply with the upcoming GDPR law.

The GDPR applies not only to European merchants but also international merchants wishing to sell to European citizens.

Under the new law a user should be able to delete his/hers personal data, export it, or hide it from processing.

All agile marketplaces will be effected and standard "off-the-shelf" GDPR module won't be enough to make an agile based marketplace legal.

What can we do if a Seller decides to delete his/hers account or export their data? I suggest an Agile GDPR module to deal with data collected by the Agile Marketplace.

This should be considered as a matter of priority as we could run the risk of receiving heavy fines and possible shut down of the stores.
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Re: GDPR - New EU law will effect all marketplaces

Postby shokinro » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:55 pm

Admin should be able to delete any seller account and its data.
PrestaShop also provide export function for each list pages, you can filter out specific records and then export to CSV.
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Re: GDPR - New EU law will effect all marketplaces

Postby carlo.macis_15320 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 3:18 pm

I know that.

The new GDPR law states the user should be able to manage it's own data.

as an example see the details of this module: ... 6?s_rank=1
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