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New feature suggestions welcome!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:17 pm
by shokinro
Thanks for visiting this forum. Please only post new features suggestion only. If you need technical support, please use another support section - Support of PrestaShop Agile Modules/Addons

1. Please add related module name at beginning of the subject
For example, [Agile Multiple Seller] - some new features

2. If it is a new module, then use "[New Module]
[New module] - some new features


PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:13 am
by customerservice_1651
is there a module that exists where i can sell custom made products where the customer adds the length and width or length width and height and it calculates and adds to the cart? would you consider making that module?

[Agile Multiple Seller]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:18 am
by darwinco_1695
It would be great to be able to asign a carrier to various sellers. Currently it's just possible to asign just a carrier by seller or one carrier by store (to all sellers). Then if I would have 100 sellers and 5 carriers, I should be able to asign diferents carriers to my sellers without creating new carriers by sellers.

Re: New feature suggestions welcome!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:37 am
by myriam_1522
I would like to see the possibility to be able to assign different carriers to sellers too. I have multiple sellers that use the same carrier and have to recreate the same carrier for many sellers. Being able to assign one of various carriers to a seller would be a great addition.

Ideally, each seller should be able to create their own seller or chose from one of the various carriers created by the store.

Currently I have many sellers who are creating duplicates of existing carriers and this can be cumbersome.

Re: New feature suggestions welcome!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:51 pm
by fhauske_3672
Hi, I have franchise clients, so they sell same products on diferent locations, it is posible to implement some Agile module that can manage the sells of same product but based on user IP geographic location. So for example a franchise that sell paint, if a customer IP login in Mexico City, then the vendor (Mexico City franchise) will be assigned as the default vendor, and if customer wants to change the vendor they can choose another vendor (franchise) available.
