seller statistic

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Moderator: jeffayao_1666

seller statistic

Postby cvankempen_2332 » Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:35 pm


I would like to suggest a idea of module :

In order to improve their sales each seller will be able to analyse statistic about their own product.

This module can be called seller statistics,
it could allow each seller to review his own statistic to improve their sales.
- customer Geolocalisation on a map (choice to view it on a world map or on continent map or a country map)
- Number of visits, conversion rate by product. Ability to choose the product among the seller product list
- Order and turn over global or by product.
- Customer information : split by age, sex, country, language, ….
- visitor information : split by age, sex, country, language, ….
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Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:44 pm

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