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Agile Paypal Express Checkout module released

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:51 am
by shokinro
Version - 2014.09.27
- Fixed the module appearance at Payment page when configured as "For membership payment only" - it did not show up even when shopping cart contains membership products only.
- Improvements: when you choose "Integrate with membership module", if shopping cart contains membership product only, then it will hide all other payments and show "Agile Paypal" only.
- Fixed a few text translations issues(some text in agilepaypalbase file was not able to be translated)
- Fixed an potential issue related shipping carrier when user choose a country that is different from his country of Paypal account for payment.

Agile Paypal Express Checkout module is a PrestaShop payment module using Paypal, It supports express checkout and recurring payment. See details here 
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