Agile Multiple Seller release

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Agile Multiple Seller release

Postby shokinro » Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:58 am

Version - 2016.02.28
Fix - Tax related calculation issue at Combination tab of front store seller management panel(displaying issue)
Fix - Final Price displaying issues at front store, seller product management - Combination tab
Fix - Issue occurred in some server environment only: When seller upload images via HTML editor/media server, the image thumbnail shows "?".
Feature - Added 15 new custom fields for seller info - string (general text fields - not multiple language)
Feature - Implemented customs field hints text - translatable into any language - make it easy for store admin to provide explanations for each new custom fields.
Feature - Admin is able to choose Shipping Fee recipient, default is seller receive shipping fee from customer (it was always for seller previously - it should be most cases)
Feature - Admin is able to choose Google map appearance on Seller Info tab of public listing page
Feature - Admin is able to configure to allow seller to choose virtual shop theme or not.
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