Agile Multiple Shop released

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Agile Multiple Shop released

Postby shokinro » Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:37 pm

We have just released a new version of Agile Multiple Shop module which is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.

Version - 2016.12.04

- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.7x
- Rewrote the module based on new Framework of PrestaShop 1.7x
- Feature - The "My Shop" link of back office upper right corner will lik to seller's virtual shop if current logged user is a seller.

- Feature - Breadcrumb will automatically show virtual shop when user is inside of seller virtual shop. it will becomes as following
Main Store / Seller Shop / Women / Dress

The Agile Multiple Shop module is an accessory for the Agile Multiple Seller module. It provides "virtual shop" functionality in the PrestaShop main store, allowing each seller to have their own virtual shop with - a dedicated virtual directory (URL), use their own logo, and even use a completely different theme.

Agile Multiple Seller and its accessory modules will easily turn your PrestaShop store into a marketplace like amazon or ebay to allow customer to register as seller to sell products on your platform. ... -shop.html

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