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How to remove a "Seller With US" from Home page

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:59 pm
by shokinro
We have new feature called "Sell with us" tab on Home Page, which will lead user to Seller Sign up page.
But some customer does not like it on Home Page, here we introduce on how to remove this.

"Sell with us" is a HOOK that agile multiple seller hooked to PrestaShop general HOOK: HomeTab, HomeTabContent.
You can unhook this from back office Modules tab

- log in to your back as admin
- click Modules - Positions menu
- look for HomeTab section
- look for the agile multiple seller module hook
- click Edit - Unhook.

- Do the same for HomeTabContent hook.

Note - Please do not unhook any other hooks unless you know what you are doing. it may cause issues if you remove some other hooks.