Thanks again for your inquiry.
1. We would like to connect vendor dashboard on demo site to test features. Is it possible ?
I am not sure what is your "Vendor dashboard" mean. It is a 3rd party module or 3rd party website? you may have to try it by yourself on your sever after purchase the module.
2. We are interesting by loyalty program extension, managed by our vendors. Have you a similar extension
Unfortunately, we don't have this kind of module at this moment, maybe we will develop one in the future.
3. We are interested by a vendors management extension which can survey for us commercial activities of vendors partners. The idea is to send an email to an inactive vendor (no offers for over 1 month for example ...) to encourage tu update new offers. Can you do this extension ?
Yes we can do this, but it will be paid service. if you are interested, we will need to discuss more details.
By the way, what does your "no offers for over 1 month"? The offer means customer offer to the vendor or the vendor offer to store? or something else?
4. Can you install and set for us your extension on our website ?
Yes, we have paid installation service, please choose "Install it for me" option when you purchase the module.
Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions.