PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

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PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby shokinro » Mon May 21, 2012 5:23 pm

What the module does
This is an accessory module of Agile Multiple seller/vendor module.
This module will enable sellers to set their own shipping carrier and shipping fee based on price/weight, zone or region.
Buyer is able to choose carrier at product level based on available carriers the seller provides.

Version Compatibility
Compatible with PrestaShop 1.4x
Compatible with Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor 1.4.14 or higher


What Store admin can do:
It is configurable by admin to choose from following selections
- Use Store Default Carrier for seller if seller does not have a private carrier
A. Store can set a standard shipping charges - which can be used for all sellers if the seller does not have private carriers
B . If a seller does not have valid shipping carrier available, then the store standard shipping carrier will be applied
- Do not use Default Carrier for seller if seller does not have a private carrier
A. If there is any item does not have deliverable carrier, buyer is not able to checkout
B. A detailed list of products that does not have a deliverable carrier will be displayed during checkout ptocess.

What seller can do?
- Seller can have multiple private shipping carriers
- Seller can set default carrier so it will be selected by default for customer
- Seller can set different shipping charge (shipping fee) based on product price or product weight
- Seller can set different shipping charge (shipping fee) for different zone(region/country)

What Biyer can do?
- Buyer Is able to choose carrier at product level
- The shipping price is updated dynamically when buyer change the shipping carrier for each product during checkout process
- Store admin can see detailed shipping from different carriers
- The module support both 5 steps traditional checkout process or Once Page Checkout process
- Seller can see detailed shipping information for different carriers on Order Details page at back office

Update Logs
Version 1.0.0 - 2012.05.21
initial release

Version 1.0.5 - 2012.06.14
- fixed an issue when shipping price based on product weight
- fixed and issue at cart summary informaiton update when use IE

Ver 1.1 - 2012.07.27
- Fixed a bug that causes wrong shipping fee calculation when adding more than more than one from same error.
- Fixed a bug that does not update shipping fee in cart block at Carrier selelction page in traditional 5 step checkput.
- It is configurable that you can choose to use Store Default Carrier as seller carrier if the seller does not have private carrier.
- Display detailed products that can not be deliveryed in case any item in cart can not find a carrier to delivery.

- Once this module is installed, the store can only have one store level shipping carrier which is linked to this module, but each seller can have multiple carriers.
- All shipping zones are set at store level(all sellers use the same zone created by store)

Screenshot images




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PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby desantisbusiness_1743 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:28 pm

Before buying please let me try a demo, send [email protected]

Thank you!
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby shokinro » Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:53 pm

thanks for your inquiry on Agile Seller Shipping - an accessory module of Agile PrestaShop multiuple/vendor module.

Before buying please let me try a demo, send [email protected]

demo site information has been sent to your email address. please let us know if you have any further questions.
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby myriam_1522 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:20 pm


I am sing this module and have just started making tests.

I notice that on the checkout shipping page, each products shipping price is shown as 0.00 and the bottom part which is the summary is empty.

There seems to be some missing information on the file hook extracarrier.tpl . The part that is incomplete is shown below:

<table width="100%">
<tr><td>{l s='Shipping Summary' mod='agilesellershipping'}<br />
<div id="sellershipping_totalsummary">

Is there an update for this module?

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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby shokinro » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:20 am

Thanks for your inquiry

The agile seller shipping is working correctly, there is no issues. There is minor updates, you will receive an updated of the module from my other support team member.

1. Please make sure that you have configured the carrier correctly.
- set the correct price range and weight range
- set shipping price for each range

This setting must be done for agfilesellershipping carrier or seller's private carriers if there is any.

2. Please make sure that there is not javascript error happens that may caused by other modules or other part of prestaShop.
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby myriam_1522 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:47 am

I have set up the shipping properly and there are no javascript errors.

There is supposed to be a shipping summary on the checkout page.

But on my store there is no summary

As you can see in you file hookextracarrier.tpl in the agile shipping module, line 31-42 posted exactly here:

<table width="100%">
<tr><td>{l s='Shipping Summary' mod='agilesellershipping'}<br />
<div id="sellershipping_totalsummary">

There is the DIV for the sellershipping_totalsummary, but there is no code in this div to actually insert the summary. As the code is missing, obviously, there will be no summary. This is the part that you have circled in red and called "detailed Shipping information per carrier"
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby shokinro » Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:09 pm

Thanks for using Agile PrestaShop multiple seller/vendors module series - a best PrestaShop based online market place solutions.

There is the DIV for the sellershipping_totalsummary, but there is no code in this div to actually insert the summary. As the code is missing, obviously, there will be no summary. This is the part that you have circled in red and called "detailed Shipping information per carrier"

The shipping summary is filled up by ajax method when document is ready.
Please give us detailed instructions on how to reproduce the issue, you can send this by PM
- your site URL
- the URL of products to add to cart
- the test customer account access info

We will investigate it and let you know the result.
By the way, have you upgrade the module?
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby shokinro » Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:10 pm

Hi myriam
Thanks for your information to access your site. As I expected, there is javascript error is happening.
The error coming from the order-address.js, it is outside of my module.


I guess this error will occurs even you do not install my module.
The error prevent the javascript to continue, so that my module does not display the shipping summary because it is using AJAX javascript to retrieve summary information from server.

I guess it is related to your theme or something you made at your site.
You need to resolve this error.

best regards
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby sarfrazahmedkhan_1804 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:07 am

Dear Kinro,

You had installed this product on my website. I am having one issue. You have disable my website's default carrier 'TheShoppersFront' and set 'agilesellershipping' as the default carrier.

I want to use 'TheShoppersFront' as my default carrier for all sellers and when I want to disable your carrier I see a message in the module config section saying, "Please DONT NOT DELETE this carrier - This carrier is Linked to this module" Now does this mean I can't change my default carrier to my own and I have to use 'agilesellershipping'? I mean can I not put the name 'TheShoppersFront' in Shipping Module config window?

Using 'agilesellershipping' our only option?
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Re: PrestaShop Seller Shipping module

Postby myriam_1522 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:37 am

Yes, it was a template problem. Fixed now.
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