Moderator: jeffayao_1666
1. When doing translation, I was able to do it. But the language file, say hk.php is created in website/modules/agilemultipleseller, while the original language files, say en.php, is in website/modules/agilemultipleseller/translations. The translation is OK but it seems strange that newly created language file is not in the same folder of the original language files.
2. Admin is not able to assign product to a particular seller in the BO. No seller dropdown menu is presented in the product page. However, Admin is able to assign category to a particular seller....
I wonder if it\'s possible to have profile for each individual seller instead of just his product or his overall products, because it provides credibility to the customer. I\'m one step away from buying your module and this is my only need that i did not found in the demo.
francois-gaillard_2372 wrote:bonjour, j\'aimerai savoir si les vendeur de la marketplace, ont une interface particulieres pour vendre leurs produits. Comment fonctionne la gestion de la livraison?
Hello, I\'d like to know if the seller of the marketplace have an interface Particular requirements for selling their products. How does the management of the delivery?
I need assistance [email protected] the instructions to get setup are not clear
shokinro wrote:What is Agile Multiple Seller
Agile Multiple Seller is a PrestaShop module that enable multiple sellers/vendors shares one PrestaShop store/shop. It is a best solution to to create your own market place like eBay, Amazon....
Store admin is the owner of the PrestaShop store and control the access of the PrestaShop Store.
Multiple sellers/vendors share the same store with limited access, they can list/sell/manage their products/orders and collect their own sales.
Compatible Version
PrestaShop 1.4x
Payment collection mode
There are 3 payment collection mode (determine who will collect sale money from customer?)
1. Store owner collects payment - This is by default. All sellers/vendors share the same payment method, store owner collect money, then distribute sales deducted transactions fees(seller commission) to secondary sellers based on the contracts between.
2. Seller collects payment - Seller collects their own sales money directly from customer. Seller/vendors will pay commission/transactions fee to store owner by other means.
At this mode, you can only use following payment module
Agile PrestaShop Paypal Express Checkout module (
Agile PrestaShop Pyapal Adaptive Payment module (
Agile PrestaShop Google Checkout module (
Agile PrestaShop Bank Transger (
Cash On Deliery (PrestaShop original module)
3. Both seller and store collect payments - This is only available when you Agile Paypal Adaptive Payment (Parallel or Chained payment). Customer payment will go to Seller (sales) and Store (Commission) directly.
At Both Seller and Store collect payment mode is available only when you use Agile Paypal Adaptive(Parallel or Chained) Payments. We recommend you use Agile PrestaShop Adaptive Payment module, because it supports parallel payments and chained payments. So seller and store can receive payments at the same time when customer payment is finished.
See here for more details on Agile Paypal Adaptive Payment module
You will need a accessory module Agile Seller Commission to manage transaction fees (commissions). This module allows you set different transaction fee for different seller, it calculates transaction fee automatically. It also keeps records of sales and transaction fees history and account balances. It handles payments between seller and store owners.
For more detailed information, please see here
Seller Commission functions
Seller commsions is handled by seperated accessory module - Agile PrestaShop seller commission module. See more information at Accessory modules section or pleae refer here of detailed informaiton
Seller Account Management
Admin can register sellers/vendors at back office directly
Sellers/vendors can also sign up from front store - This is configurable at module screen to enable this function or not
Sellers/vendors can have their own logo, address, payment account information
Seller/vendors can update/change their own seller/vendor account information
Admin has control of enable or disable sellers account from back office.
Sellers/vendors priva categories or products will be disabled automatically if the account is disabled/deleted
Seller can automatically login to back office if he/she is asigned up from front office and also has customer account and has logged in at front office. There is a link from My Seller Account page at front office.
Enable HTML editor for seller info description fields.
Seller account approval requirement (sign up front store) is now if configurable
Seller can manage their own payment account information such as Paypal account, Bank Account information
Catalog management
Sellers/vendors can have their own private categories - configurable at module screen to enable this or not
Sellers/vendors can use shared/public categories created by store admin- but sellers is not bale to change shared/public categories.
Sellers/vendors can register unlimited products to shared categories or to their private categories
Admin can also register categories for seller/vendors and then assign to specific sellers/vendors
Admin can also register products for sellers/vendors and then assign to specific sellers/vendors
Admin can register shared/public categories for all sellers to use
There is an option for seller to see all products in one place without browing categories. This is configurable options, admin can enable to disable this option.
Bulk Approval tab added for admin to approve multiple products - if you choose approve products to be listed.
Each seller can has his/her default category. If a seller has a default category assigned, the seller will be redirected to his/her default cateory after log in to back office.
Product Listing
Seller info can be added as new tab to the product listing page
Seller location is linked to Google map
Is configurable to show the seller info tab or not
Listing product approval feature is implemented and it is configurable at module configure screen. You can easily enable and disable listing approval function. (since 2012.02.28)
You can set for Option listing charges though accessory module(see below Accessory Modules section)
configurable to display seller name on product list pages(category/home featured/search result)[from version]
Seller Page and Seller products
With a separated accessory module - Agile Seller products module
- Each seller could have their own page to provide his/her specific information.
- Each seller could have one unique SEO friendly URL like http://your-market-p...23-Flower-Store
- There are two blocks allow customers easily to "Shop By Seller" and "Shop by Country".
- Customer is able to see a list of seller and their descriptions.
See here for more details
Order management
Admin can access/update all orders
There are two shopping cart mode - configurable
Products from multiple seller - One order can have unlimited products from different sellers
Products from single seller - One order can have unlimted products from one seller only
Each seller/vendor will receive new order email notification automatically if new order is received.
Sellers/vendors can only access their own orders related data
new tab under Order tab, to show list of products ordered, each seller can see their own products [from version]
Sellers/vendors can update their own orders
- Order list/order details
- Customer
- Address
Cart/Order splitting
From version, the module is able to split one shopping cart into multiple order. If customer has purchase products from multiple sellers, then the module will split the shopping cart/order into multiple ones. Each seller will have one cart and on order. This happen when customer finished payment or confirmed the orders. By this function, one order is always contain product from single seller. But customer is still able to purchase products from multiple sellers.
This also make following functions possible.
- Seller can manage the order status without affect other Sellers.
- Show seller logo/name/address in PDF invoice
- Show seller logo/name/address in Order confirmation email
(All those functions are available in this core module)
Seller Invoice
From version, the order invoice can have seller's logo, seller name, seller address in the PDF invoice. It is also possible to include seller name, seller logo, seller address in order confirmation email. Both are configurable to be easily to set on or off.
In order to include seller name, logo, seller address in order confirmation email, you need to add following keyword into order confirmation email templates.
Shipping/carrier management
Sellers/vendors can set their private carriers and shipping fee
Store Admin can set public carriers/shipping fee that can be used for all sellers.
Shipping zones are store level
Handling/Billing setting is at store level, only store admin can change.
Handling charges
Free shipping starts at
According to total price or According to total weight
In order to use feature list in this section, you must
A. set Shopping cart mode at "Products from sinle seller", otherwise even sellers set private carriers/shipping fees, it will be dealed as public because we can not tell which seller should we use for a shopping cart with mixed sellers.
B. Install Agile PrestaShop Seller Shipping module [Since 2012.05.21, Ver 1.4.14]
With this module, seller can have multiple private carriers and it will work with any Shopping Cart Mode. Customer is able to choose different carrier for each products based on the seller and both Admin and Seller can see shipping details at Order Details page at back office
Customer and seller communication
This function is proviced by a separated accessory module - Agile PrestaShop Seller messenger module.
Customer is able to ask sellers question at front office product page and seller or admin is able to manage questions and reply questions at back office tab. Configurable parameters make the module flexible. See more details please visit the prouct page
Sellers/vendor Access permissions
Sellers/vendors access permission is controlled by PrestaShop Employee profile - Permissions tab
Sellers/vendors can edit/update their own data such as seller account, catalog, customer data, order data and so on.
By default, Secondary sellers/vendors can view the following information
- Shared categories
- Manufacturers
- Suppliers
- Manufacturers
- Groups
- Merchandise Returns
- Customer Messages
- Statuses
Admin can set more access permissions based on their needs and situation.
Seller/vendors can create and maintain their own CMS pages[ready]
Hide products from other sellers in order alert email sent to seller and display a notes
Hide products from other sellers in order detailed page at back office if current logged in is a seller.
Hide products from other sellers in PDF invoice at back office if current logged in is a seller.
Display following message in above 3 "This order contains products from other sellers, they are hidden from you. But they they are visible to admin and your customer."
Enable HTML editor for seller info description fields.
Accessory modules
Based on your business needs and business model, there are few accessory modules available for you to enhance your multiple seller/vendor Prestashop, to create your own market places.
1. Seller Commission module (Since Nov. 25, 2011)
With this new version, you have an option to use seller commission module(separated module) so that you can manage commission calculations and commission payments. It give you a great flexibility to set different level of commission for different sellers.
Set different level of commissions rate
Commission calculation
Seller account history
Seller account balance
Commission payments
- Vouchers cost at sellers or vouchers cost at store
Insertions fee calcuation to include shipping fee or exclude shippinh fee
See here for more details about Agile Seller Commission
2. Seller/vendor rating/review module
With this accessory module, you can
- allow customer post reviews/ratings on seller for the order/transactions
- show seller rating by 5 stars on product details page at front store
See more detailed information, please visit here
3. Seller products module
With this module, you will be able to allow customer to shop/search products
- Shop By seller
- Shop By country
- Each seller can have his/her own products pages
- Each seller can have his/her own unique URL
See here for more details
4. Seller list options module
With this module, you will be able to charge seller by listing options. You can set additional different price (could be 0 for free) for follow list options
- Base list (need to paid before list)
- Show at HOME (Paid Home featured product list)
- Show as HOT (Paid option to show as HOT)
- Show on TOP of list(category)
Seller must be pay before the options become in effect. Seller is able to pay by any payment merhod that are available at your store. See here for more details
5. Integrated payemnt modules
All following modules have been integrated into Agile Multiple Seller module, they can be used for payment collection mode at "seller collects payment".
Agile Paypal Adaptive(Parallel or Chained)Payment module
If you are using Paypal as Payment method, then this module use Paypal adaptive parallel/chained payments so that the store and seller can collect sales/money concurrently. Seller receives sales and store receive commission from seller automatically when customer payment is finshed.
This module supports all 3 payment collection mode of agile multiple seller: Store collects payment, seller collects payments and both store and seller collect payment(split, chanined).
See here for more details
The following module support both "store collects payments" and "seller collects payment" mode
Agile Paypal Adaptive(Parallel or Chained)Payment module
Agile Paypal Express Checkout module
Agile Bankwire module
Agile Google Checkout module
Cash On Delivery module (comes with prestashop)
6. Customer and seller comminication tool
- Agile PrestaShop Seller Messenger module
It facilitates communications between customers and sellers. A Seller Q&A tab on front store for customers to see previous questions and ask new questions. A "Seller Questions" tab at back office allow sellers and admin to reply and manage the messages. See more details, please visit here.
7. Seller Shiping module
It enables sellers to set their own shipping carrier and shipping fee based on price/weight, zone/region. Buyer is able to choose carrier at product level based on available carriers the seller provides. Admin and Seller are able to see the shipping details at Order Details page.
See more details at Agile Seller Commission module product page
Where to buy
You can buy the module at
Want a demo site
If you would like to access back office of demo site, please contact us.
Version Release History
Ver 1.2
- No manually file change is required at installation.
- Integrated with Agile paypal, make it possible for seller to collect their own sales
- Disable all products when a seller is disabled or deleted
- Seller can have their own categories
- Seller info extend - photo (logo), address other info
- Seller can create and maintain their own CMS pages
- Able to show seller info & Google map as a tab on product details page
- Admin is able to register categories/products for seller, then assign it to seller
- Some changes on configuration screen
- Seller collects sales, cart items contorl now support both ajaxCart and non ajaxCart[done]
- filtering out products list for Autocomplete input box - ajax_product_list.php
- fltering out the category list at product detail page for set product category/default category
- fixed an issue with Customer Message (seller filtering was not working)
- fixed an potential security issue(when seller manually input id_order at URL to see other sellers orders)
- fixed label/message translation issue
1.2.4 - 2011.10.08
- product listing expiry date(like ebay), it will be disabled automatically when it goes expried.
- seller can direct go to back office from front office My-Account page.
(It is available when "Allow customer becomes seller" is eanbled)
ver 1.3 - 2011.11.05
- Integration with seller commission module
- If customer sign up a seller account from front office, the seller account is initially inactive.
Admin has to activate the seller account.
With this version, you have an option to use seller commission module(separated module) so that you can manage commissions calculations and commission payments. It give a great flexibility to set different level of commission for different sellers.
1.4.0 - 2012.01.21
- Limit one cart only allow products from the same seller
- Each seller is able to set his/her shipping
- Order is no longer shared by different sellers.
1.4.1 - 2012.02.04
- Integration of Seller List options module
Show as HOT option
Show on HOME option
Show on TOP of the list(category)
- remove expiry date of product. It is implemented by listing option module - 2012.02.17
- Make it configurable for the approval requirement when Seller signup from front office - 2012.02.28
- Integrated with Agile PresteShop Paypal Adaptive payment, now can handle commission payement automatically without manually perform any payment.
- Listing product approval feature is implemented and it is configurable at module configure screen. You can easily enable and disable listing approval function. - 2012.03.22
- Merged Seller Info tab (back office) into Employees tab so that manage seller's other info and payment info are in in one tab.
- Seller can set Bank Account information for receiving bank transfer payment
- Integrated Bank transfer payment method, so that "Seller Collect payments" is available for bank transfer(Must use customized Agile Bank Transfer module)
- It also make it available for "Seller Collect payments" available Cash On Delivery (PrestaShop original Cash On Delivery module)
- Send all new order to store admin (send to Shop Email) - 2012.04.08
- Remove configuration item "Automatically sign up seller account"
- Add Checkbox option at customer sign up page to choose "Create Seller Account" or not
- Hide "Position" column of categories list and product list from sellers if the seller is not the owner of the category, to prevent from sellers to changing sort positions. - 2012.04.14
- Integration with Agile Seller Shipping module (the module is not relaesed yet)
- Integration with Agile Membership module so that you can use membership module to limit the numebr of products listing for sellers - 2012.04.18
- Fixed an installation issue caused by PrestaShop Hook->Save() at create_hook. It only saves name, but there are other non-nullable field, it fials in some Windows NT Environment, most cases are OK.
- INtegrated into Google Checkout module, make it possible for seller collect payment by Google Checkout - 2012.04.22
- Fixed an issue with integraion with seller shipping module
- Display seller shipping info at sellers products list section at Order Details page at back office - 2012.04.27
[those are configured at Agile Sellers commission]
- The module support voucher functions for sellers. Vouchers can only be issued by store, but shared by sellers by the percentage of products amount in an order.
The voucher cost could be in following two mode
* At sellers cost: the voucher disocunt amount will be deducted from sellers sales amount.
* At store's cost: the voucher discount amount will not be deducted from sellers amount.
- Shipping fee handling in commission calculation now is configurable in two different ways.
* Include shipping - Shipping fee will be included in Insertion/commission calculation
* Exclude shipping - Shipping fee will be excluded in Insertion/commission calculation - 2012.05.02
- Changed to use company name instead of first name/last name for sellers on front office page
- Add new tab "Order Products" under Orders tab ta back office so that admin is abble to see ordered products from sellers. - 2012.05.10
- Fixed the translation issue for message "This order contains products from other seller...."
- Fixed seller logo upload issue - the folder img/as is not created in some circumstance.
- Fixed customer and seller account link issue - 2012.05.21
Integrated into Agile Seller Shipping module that a allow customer to choose carrier at product item level, and allow sellers set private carriers and all Shopping Cart mode. - 2012.06.02
- Changed to use company name as dsiplay seller name at back office
- configurable to enable/dsiable cateogry browsing and show all products in one place for seller
- configurable to display seller name on product list pages(category/home featured/search result)
need to add one line line related to theme files
{if isset($product.seller)}<span style="overflow:hidden;white-space: nowrap;">{l s='Seller:' mod='agilemultipleseller'}{$product.seller}</span>{/if}<br /><br />
- Display Seller Logo/Name/Address on PDF invoice file and order confirmation email address
- Split shopping cart into multiple orders if the cart contains products from multiple sellers. One order per seller.
-The installer will copy all override file automatically. Back up orignal file it is necessary.
- new tab under Order tab, to show list of products ordered, each seller can see their own products - 2012.06.08
- Implement SEO friendly URL for My Seller Account page.
- Implement canonical redirection, , even user input a non-SEO-friendly URL, it will automatically redirect to a SEO friendly URL
- id_category_default field is added to sellerinfo class, currently only used for a specific scenario
(need manually add some code to AdminProducts.php page to work for this scenario, see install_optional_en.txt) - 2012.06.22
- Deduction % from total sale for commission calculation
specify deduction rate percentage at Insertion Fee tab
display deduction amount and order origin at Account History
- Integrated to prestabay module so that
you can soecify specifed deduction for orders imported from ebay (via prestabay)
- Hide "Approved" field if module configuration setting "Listing Approval Required" is not selected - 2012.07.14
- fixed message lost issue when split muyltiple seller cart into multiple carts(done)
- Changed to use Order data instaed of shopping cart for commission generation, so even if product price is changed, it will not be afafcted.
- fixed a bug at seller invoice PDF file (state/country ID was used instead of name in the seller address)
- Hide Google Map related UI if SSL/HTTPS is enabled at store because Google does not provide free SSL/HTTPS based Google maps. - 2012.08.11
- fixed a bug at Customers tab back office when filtering by email address (SQL error)
- fixed a bug at split-discount, even there is no discount voucher in order, value 0 split-discount-voucher is created at order splitting.
- If seller logo is not uploaded, it will display a representative image "Log Not Available" based on languages. - 2012.08.19
- A new tab "Bulk Approval" is created for admin to bulk approve products. Admin can approve many products or all product at one click/
It is useful if you have already registered many products before you install Agile Multiple Seller module.
- Now each seller can have its own default category. If you set default category, it will become root category of the seller and the seller will be redirected to this automatically after log in to the back office.
Does this module needs compulsorily needs Agile Prestashop Seller Commission module to be installed to use first payment collection mode "Store Collects Payment" only or for all three payment collection modes?
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