What is it?This module will display a list of similar chosen products selling in the store by showing the price, seller/vendor name, view detail and buy button on the product details page. This is an accessory module for Agile Multiple Seller module. It will help the customer choose between products from different sellers with different prices, and provide a richer customer shopping experience.
Compatible with PrestaShop 1.5x and higher.*** This module requires installation of the Agile Multiple Seller module.
Features- You can choose to use the UPC, EAN13, or Reference product field to identify whether the products are same or not.
- You are able to choose to use the default hook location, or you can the location inside the product page.
- You can set the maximum number of products the customer can show in the comparison list.
- If the Agile Seller Rating module is installed, then Seller ratings with also be displayed beside/under the seller name, as well as a link to seller rating details views.
- If the Agile Multiple Shop module is installed, the seller name will also be linked to seller shop home page.
Note:At this time, this version does not support product attribute combinations, however it will in the next release.
Screenshot image:
Version Log:
Verson 1.0 - Initial release with basic features and functions.