PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

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PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby denniswan79_3047 » Sat May 24, 2014 8:24 am

Hello, a question about shipping country.

I see that in the shopping cart summary page, customer can choose the shipping country & carriers. What if, customer choose a country that not much to his paypal address, then customer will be paying the wrong shipping fee.

For example, lets say the shipping cost to Thailand is higher then USA, customer's paypal register address is USA, but in the shopping cart summary page, customer choose the country thailand, and the choose express checkout, then he will be paying a low shipping fee (thailand), instead of the actually shipping fee (USA).

How to solve this problem?
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Sat May 24, 2014 12:46 pm

Thanks for using our module.

For example, lets say the shipping cost to Thailand is higher then USA, customer's paypal register address is USA, but in the shopping cart summary page, customer choose the country thailand, and the choose express checkout, then he will be paying a low shipping fee (thailand), instead of the actually shipping fee (USA).

if user choose to wrong location, I do not think we can resolve this. because we have no way to know that user choose wrong location.

The only suggestion I have give is to put big "Attention" on the location selection page to tell user must select correct location, otherwise, you will not ship unless the correct shipping fee is paid.
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PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby anushka_4054 » Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:33 pm


we are using prestashop on and also using the free paypal version for transactions. However we have always faced problems with Error 10474 "The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence". I'm interested on buying your module if yours doesn't have the above issue. Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:43 am

thanks for your inquiry.

we are using prestashop on and also using the free paypal version for transactions. However we have always faced problems with Error 10474 "The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence". I'm interested on buying your module if yours doesn't have the above issue. Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

I do not think our module will have this issue as long as you enable all countries at your store.
if there is any issue, we will investigate and fix it for you.
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:21 am

I had a problem that i managed to fix my self...

if you have a problem and have more then one currency and checkout shows the wrong amount in paypal...
and you run prestashop 1.6 ->
go to modules.... payment... scroll down a bit past the modules to see more settings...
and check the tab for Agile Payment...

the wrong setting is probally "Shop Default Currency"... change into "Customer Currency"
and it seems to work fine....

saw someone mention this a way back in this thread but that was for 1.5 and earlier so didn't seem to be in the same place as 1.6
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:47 pm

thanks for using our module and thanks for sharing the information.
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:06 am

Hello again.

running prestashop did a testsite here with stock theme. no alteration at all in shop
except updating stock modules to latest and changed into allow guest checkout and turned of conditions..
then installed agile paypal module

how do i get this module not to be a box alligned to the left?,
but a rectangle same width as shopping cart as the demo pics and demo?
Screen Shot 2014-06-06 at 10.02.15 AM.png
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby paypal_4061 » Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:17 am

also one more question that is hard to check myself..

i have fixed shipping world wide..
so i would prefer not to have customers have to choose country at all.

where are customers redirected then? based on from where they are or from where i am?
i am linked to a swedish version on paypal, is it because i am here or because the server is here in sweden?
so if i turn off location, will customers be directed to a paypal version from where they are or said swedish one? (because of serverlocation?)
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:07 am

Thanks for your inquiry.

By default, the module will redirect to, but I think Paypal server may automatically switch to the country where the merchant account located.
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Re: PrestaShop Paypal module - Agile Paypal Express Checkout

Postby shokinro » Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:47 am

In order to change the width of express checkout box, you will need change following theme file
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