Hi Shokinro,
These doubts are not a priority.
Priority is the integration we are doing with the theme, but when finished would need to answer me this.
I'm testing "Affiliate AGILE" in your web test.
Only these questions :
1) How modify the templates to send emails ?
2) In the email that reaches the customer we want to affiliate (BUYER BUYER), does not get the email address of the sponsor (COMERCIAL COMERCIAL). How the BUYER BUYER know the email adress to write of sponsor into create customer form ?
BUYER BUYER , Join us!
Your friend COMMERCIAL COMMERCIALsponsored by you on the site prestashop -affiliate- referral - demo201 !
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For us , nothing simpler , click here!
2) When the customer makes a purchase and delivery is done , I see that you are applying the 20 % commission that I have configured in " Affiliate Program Settings" .
What I want is to apply the 20 % commission on the order and those points go to the sponsor.
That is, applying a 10% discount on the first purchase BUYER BUYER .
For each BUYER BUYER purchase from there is gratified to COMERCIAL COMERCIAL with 20 % points .
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks so much!!!