Hi, We have purchased multiple seller/vendor module, addtionally we also purchased Membership module, multi-store and bank-wire.
As expected I ran into some issues:
1. After creating 2 users to test the functionality I tried to delete them and then recreate them with the same email. The problem is that when i created them a second time without submiting for seller functionality the status appeared that it was active (seller status) but when i clicked the other tabs in My seller account it gave the error that which is given when the seller status is inactive since you have not applied. I need to mention that there is also no link to apply for a seller account inside the my seller account. I believe the problem is that in the database the table for sellers does not delete entries when you delete customers too, therefor when the customer registers with the same email it will be linked with the last configurtion for that seller account. This is I think a big non-problem. I say this because in production enviroment you will not need to delete customers and even if you do you delete without allowing them to reregister. However this type of account blocking can open legal issues for the company which hosts the marketplace.
2. The second issue, and this is a problem which needs to be fixed immediately. I created a user (this is before I deleted them as specified in the first issue so there is no conpounding problem) and applied for a seller account. All said and done, it worked. The memberships were created so I went to My account > My memberships and bought a membership. After i did this the seller status switched to inactive. I have tried this with another user and it happened again. Please help with this since it is a very big problem. If it is from my side please tell me what I can do to fix it and prevent it in the future.
Thank you.