if in product we choose public in store and in a customer we set up the first field field seller to related seller we assign the customer to a seller right ? In fact we see from seller back end only user linked to the customer.
As I said before, you can not assign seller to customers.
The link is established automatically by order.
the only problem is that order are not showing. Is there a way to provide you back end user and password to give a look?
Sorry, I am not sure what mean.
Are you logged as seller? or logged as admin.
Seller can see his/her own orders, that contains products belongs to him/her.
I tried to change the permission to rhe profile agilemultipleseller but menu disabled are still showing up but when we click it says acced denied or something similar. We need to hide completely the disabled sections....
That part is PrestaShop core function, that is the way is works.
Make sure you have removed all permission for that menu.