Thanks for using our Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor and its accessory modules.
I have a problem with the Agile multiple seller and agile bank wire, when I put the option Seller Collects the payments in Agile multiple seller.. I have to put the shopping mode on Products from a single seller.. If I don\'t do that.. when a costumer bought something, the information (bank account) in agile bankwire doesn\'t emailed to the costumer... this is a problem, because we have 15 vendors in the site.. and if we set that option to single vendor.. the shopping cart just accepts products from a single vendor.. and we need multiple products from multiple sellers and the payment method Agile bank wire
When did you purchased the module? May you are using old version.
You should be able to use "Products from multiple sellers".
But in that case, if the customer add products from multiple sellers, he/she has to pay seller one by one.
Buyer needs to pay multiple times.