Moderator: jeffayao_1666
Is it possible to delay the spliting until the payment has been received?
- OR-
Is it possible to switch between "splitted order" and "single order"?
Shipping isn't calculating the way I need it to in my shop. I have a customer who buys Product A from Seller A with a shipping cost of $45. They add Product B, also from Seller A, to the cart, but it needs to ship separately at $15. In the cart, it shows $45 for the total shipping when it should be $60. In the Shipping Carrier section of the cart both shipping prices of $45 and $15 are shown for their respective products and I need them added instead of combined based on the total weight of the 2 products (which is what I think is happening). Is there something I need to do to make sure both shipping fees are assessed and the total for shipping is $60? Thank you!
Thank you for the response. Is there a way to tell the cart not to combine the weight of the 2 separate products even if they are from the same seller...just compute them separately? If they were from different sellers, it would do this and there would be shipping calculated for each product. I want it to do this for the same seller as well. I hope that makes sense. Thanks!
Forum module from prestashop is compatible with agile multiple seller?
.i have a little problem with my shopping cart...because after a complete transaction the system return to the user profile and sent the email confirmation...but right now the system return to a blank page...i activated debug option and ha got this error: /classes/ i can fix this issue
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