PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby shokinro » Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:01 pm

What is Agile Multiple Seller
Agile Multiple Seller is a PrestaShop module that enable multiple sellers/vendors shares one PrestaShop store/shop. It is a best solution to to create your own market place like eBay, Amazon....

Store admin is the owner of the PrestaShop store and control the access of the PrestaShop Store.
Multiple sellers/vendors share the same store with limited access, they can list/sell/manage their products/orders and collect their own sales.

Compatible Version
PrestaShop 1.4x

Payment collection mode
There are 3 payment collection mode (determine who will collect sale money from customer?)
1. Store owner collects payment - This is by default. All sellers/vendors share the same payment method, store owner collect money, then distribute sales deducted transactions fees(seller commission) to secondary sellers based on the contracts between.
2. Seller collects payment - Seller collects their own sales money directly from customer. Seller/vendors will pay commission/transactions fee to store owner by other means.
At this mode, you can only use following payment module

Agile PrestaShop Paypal Express Checkout module (
Agile PrestaShop Pyapal Adaptive Payment module (
Agile PrestaShop Google Checkout module (
Agile PrestaShop Bank Transger (
Cash On Deliery (PrestaShop original module)
3. Both seller and store collect payments - This is only available when you Agile Paypal Adaptive Payment (Parallel or Chained payment). Customer payment will go to Seller (sales) and Store (Commission) directly.

At Both Seller and Store collect payment mode is available only when you use Agile Paypal Adaptive(Parallel or Chained) Payments. We recommend you use Agile PrestaShop Adaptive Payment module, because it supports parallel payments and chained payments. So seller and store can receive payments at the same time when customer payment is finished.
See here for more details on Agile Paypal Adaptive Payment module

You will need a accessory module Agile Seller Commission to manage transaction fees (commissions). This module allows you set different transaction fee for different seller, it calculates transaction fee automatically. It also keeps records of sales and transaction fees history and account balances. It handles payments between seller and store owners.
For more detailed information, please see here

Seller Commission functions
Seller commsions is handled by seperated accessory module - Agile PrestaShop seller commission module. See more information at Accessory modules section or pleae refer here of detailed informaiton

Seller Account Management
Admin can register sellers/vendors at back office directly
Sellers/vendors can also sign up from front store - This is configurable at module screen to enable this function or not
Sellers/vendors can have their own logo, address, payment account information
Seller/vendors can update/change their own seller/vendor account information
Admin has control of enable or disable sellers account from back office.
Sellers/vendors priva categories or products will be disabled automatically if the account is disabled/deleted
Seller can automatically login to back office if he/she is asigned up from front office and also has customer account and has logged in at front office. There is a link from My Seller Account page at front office.
Enable HTML editor for seller info description fields.
Seller account approval requirement (sign up front store) is now if configurable
Seller can manage their own payment account information such as Paypal account, Bank Account information

Catalog management
Sellers/vendors can have their own private categories - configurable at module screen to enable this or not
Sellers/vendors can use shared/public categories created by store admin- but sellers is not bale to change shared/public categories.
Sellers/vendors can register unlimited products to shared categories or to their private categories
Admin can also register categories for seller/vendors and then assign to specific sellers/vendors
Admin can also register products for sellers/vendors and then assign to specific sellers/vendors
Admin can register shared/public categories for all sellers to use
There is an option for seller to see all products in one place without browing categories. This is configurable options, admin can enable to disable this option.
Bulk Approval tab added for admin to approve multiple products - if you choose approve products to be listed.
Each seller can has his/her default category. If a seller has a default category assigned, the seller will be redirected to his/her default cateory after log in to back office.
Product Listing
Seller info can be added as new tab to the product listing page
Seller location is linked to Google map
Is configurable to show the seller info tab or not
Listing product approval feature is implemented and it is configurable at module configure screen. You can easily enable and disable listing approval function. (since 2012.02.28)
You can set for Option listing charges though accessory module(see below Accessory Modules section) 
configurable to display seller name on product list pages(category/home featured/search result)[from version]

Seller Page and Seller products
With a separated accessory module - Agile Seller products module
- Each seller could have their own page to provide his/her specific information.
- Each seller could have one unique SEO friendly URL like http://your-market-p...23-Flower-Store
- There are two blocks allow customers easily to "Shop By Seller" and "Shop by Country".
- Customer is able to see a list of seller and their descriptions.
See here for more details

Order management
Admin can access/update all orders
There are two shopping cart mode - configurable
Products from multiple seller - One order can have unlimited products from different sellers
Products from single seller - One order can have unlimted products from one seller only
Each seller/vendor will receive new order email notification automatically if new order is received.
Sellers/vendors can only access their own orders related data
new tab under Order tab, to show list of products ordered, each seller can see their own products [from version]
Sellers/vendors can update their own orders
- Order list/order details
- Customer
- Address

Cart/Order splitting
From version, the module is able to split one shopping cart into multiple order. If customer has purchase products from multiple sellers, then the module will split the shopping cart/order into multiple ones. Each seller will have one cart and on order. This happen when customer finished payment or confirmed the orders. By this function, one order is always contain product from single seller. But customer is still able to purchase products from multiple sellers.
This also make following functions possible.

- Seller can manage the order status without affect other Sellers.
- Show seller logo/name/address in PDF invoice
- Show seller logo/name/address in Order confirmation email
(All those functions are available in this core module)

Seller Invoice
From version, the order invoice can have seller's logo, seller name, seller address in the PDF invoice. It is also possible to include seller name, seller logo, seller address in order confirmation email. Both are configurable to be easily to set on or off.

In order to include seller name, logo, seller address in order confirmation email, you need to add following keyword into order confirmation email templates.

Shipping/carrier management
Sellers/vendors can set their private carriers and shipping fee
Store Admin can set public carriers/shipping fee that can be used for all sellers.
Shipping zones are store level
Handling/Billing setting is at store level, only store admin can change.
Handling charges
Free shipping starts at
According to total price or According to total weight

In order to use feature list in this section, you must
A. set Shopping cart mode at "Products from sinle seller", otherwise even sellers set private carriers/shipping fees, it will be dealed as public because we can not tell which seller should we use for a shopping cart with mixed sellers.
B. Install Agile PrestaShop Seller Shipping module [Since 2012.05.21, Ver 1.4.14]
With this module, seller can have multiple private carriers and it will work with any Shopping Cart Mode. Customer is able to choose different carrier for each products based on the seller and both Admin and Seller can see shipping details at Order Details page at back office

Customer and seller communication
This function is proviced by a separated accessory module - Agile PrestaShop Seller messenger module.
Customer is able to ask sellers question at front office product page and seller or admin is able to manage questions and reply questions at back office tab. Configurable parameters make the module flexible. See more details please visit the prouct page

Sellers/vendor Access permissions
Sellers/vendors access permission is controlled by PrestaShop Employee profile - Permissions tab
Sellers/vendors can edit/update their own data such as seller account, catalog, customer data, order data and so on.
By default, Secondary sellers/vendors can view the following information
- Shared categories
- Manufacturers
- Suppliers
- Manufacturers
- Groups
- Merchandise Returns
- Customer Messages
- Statuses
Admin can set more access permissions based on their needs and situation.
Seller/vendors can create and maintain their own CMS pages[ready]
Hide products from other sellers in order alert email sent to seller and display a notes
Hide products from other sellers in order detailed page at back office if current logged in is a seller.
Hide products from other sellers in PDF invoice at back office if current logged in is a seller.
Display following message in above 3 "This order contains products from other sellers, they are hidden from you. But they they are visible to admin and your customer."
Enable HTML editor for seller info description fields.

Accessory modules
Based on your business needs and business model, there are few accessory modules available for you to enhance your multiple seller/vendor Prestashop, to create your own market places.
1. Seller Commission module (Since Nov. 25, 2011)
With this new version, you have an option to use seller commission module(separated module) so that you can manage commission calculations and commission payments. It give you a great flexibility to set different level of commission for different sellers.
Set different level of commissions rate
Commission calculation
Seller account history
Seller account balance
Commission payments
- Vouchers cost at sellers or vouchers cost at store
Insertions fee calcuation to include shipping fee or exclude shippinh fee
See here for more details about Agile Seller Commission

2. Seller/vendor rating/review module
With this accessory module, you can
- allow customer post reviews/ratings on seller for the order/transactions
- show seller rating by 5 stars on product details page at front store
See more detailed information, please visit here

3. Seller products module
With this module, you will be able to allow customer to shop/search products
- Shop By seller
- Shop By country
- Each seller can have his/her own products pages
- Each seller can have his/her own unique URL
See here for more details
4. Seller list options module
With this module, you will be able to charge seller by listing options. You can set additional different price (could be 0 for free) for follow list options
- Base list (need to paid before list)
- Show at HOME (Paid Home featured product list)
- Show as HOT (Paid option to show as HOT)
- Show on TOP of list(category)
Seller must be pay before the options become in effect. Seller is able to pay by any payment merhod that are available at your store. See here for more details

5. Integrated payemnt modules
All following modules have been integrated into Agile Multiple Seller module, they can be used for payment collection mode at "seller collects payment".

Agile Paypal Adaptive(Parallel or Chained)Payment module
If you are using Paypal as Payment method, then this module use Paypal adaptive parallel/chained payments so that the store and seller can collect sales/money concurrently. Seller receives sales and store receive commission from seller automatically when customer payment is finshed.

This module supports all 3 payment collection mode of agile multiple seller: Store collects payment, seller collects payments and both store and seller collect payment(split, chanined).

See here for more details

The following module support both "store collects payments" and "seller collects payment" mode

Agile Paypal Adaptive(Parallel or Chained)Payment module
Agile Paypal Express Checkout module
Agile Bankwire module
Agile Google Checkout module
Cash On Delivery module (comes with prestashop)

6. Customer and seller comminication tool
- Agile PrestaShop Seller Messenger module
It facilitates communications between customers and sellers. A Seller Q&A tab on front store for customers to see previous questions and ask new questions. A "Seller Questions" tab at back office allow sellers and admin to reply and manage the messages. See more details, please visit here.

7. Seller Shiping module
It enables sellers to set their own shipping carrier and shipping fee based on price/weight, zone/region. Buyer is able to choose carrier at product level based on available carriers the seller provides. Admin and Seller are able to see the shipping details at Order Details page.
See more details at Agile Seller Commission module product page

Where to buy
You can buy the module at

Want a demo site
If you would like to access back office of demo site, please contact us.

Version Release History

Version - 2016.08.21
Fix - Seller upload product image size limitation was not enforced at front store product editing page.

Fix - 500 server internal error when at seller sign up page when you enter invalid characters for name like numbers.
Feature - Exclude Home Category from category list inside multiple seller module

Feature - Add max size upload file size for seller logo upload and carrier logo upload. (max size is defined in related files)

We also released a new version of Agile Seller Commission module that support commission structure based on product categories.

Version - 2016.07.17
Changes - Seller is able to set product images captions like same way of admin - only from PrestaShop or higher
Changes - Support Google API key for Google maps.

Fix - email subject for seller product approval/disapproval email send from back office, the email subject language was not based on seller, but based on admin who approve/disapprove
Fix - On manufacturer or Supplier list page, the number of products for each manufacturer or supplier was not correct.
Fix - The amount to store is calculated incorrectly when using Parallel Payment Mode & using Store collect shipping fee.
Fix - Approval email was not sent when use Duplicate function to create new product
Fix - Error when leave email address as empty while trying create seller account from back office
Fix - Front store seller product image upload page - image upload button layout issue
Fix - Error when filtering by column "seller" at back office Bulk Approval page.
Fix - smarty cache id related issue when multiple shop
Fix - front store - My Seller Account - Orders - Order Details page, order status history - First name shows 2 times but missing last name.

Version - 2016.04.03
Feature - Send notification to seller when product is approved or disapproved - it is configurable to send or not by admin. Only when product list approval required is also configured.
Feature - Seller is able to manage private Attributes at back office
Feature - Admin is able to set maximum number of images for each product to prevent seller from uploading too many product images.
[for back office limitation, need to add 2 lines to images.tpl file, install_en.txt for details]

Fix - When admin change "Is Free Shipping" via the enable icon on carrier list page at back office, it will lost carrier ownership(assigned seller).
Fix - Seller does not receive New Order email if shopping cart products have different shipping carriers and agile seller shipping module is not installed.
Fix - SQL error under PHP 5.6(that requires all fields of Primary Key NOT NULL) when install the module - create extension table ps_agile_subcart
Fix - Seller is able to set product to Home via front Server Manage Panel even you have configured to not allow seller to register product at HOME
Fix - Some email send to seller using the language selection of admin profile instead of seller employee profile
Fix - Combination button did not work because of undefined ecotaxTaxRate

Version - 2016.02.28
Fix - Tax related calculation issue at Combination tab of front store seller management panel(displaying issue)
Fix - Final Price displaying issues at front store, seller product management - Combination tab
Fix - Issue occurred in some server environment only: When seller upload images via HTML editor/media server, the image thumbnail shows "?".
Feature - Added 15 new custom fields for seller info - string (general text fields - not multiple language)
Feature - Implemented customs field hints text - translatable into any language - make it easy for store admin to provide explanations for each new custom fields.
Feature - Admin is able to choose Shipping Fee recipient, default is seller receive shipping fee from customer (it was always for seller previously - it should be most cases)
Feature - Admin is able to choose Google map appearance on Seller Info tab of public listing page
Feature - Admin is able to configure to allow seller to choose virtual shop theme or not.

Version - 2016.02.05
Bug Fix - When seller upload images via HTML editor/media server, the image size was reduced to thumbnail size
Bug Fix - At back office product admin page, the seller drop down list does not show in some server environment (related to change code)
Bug Fix - Seller Shipping module shipping fee calculation related issue when use weight and attribute combination
Bug Fix - At back office/Catalogue/Products tab product editing page : not able to add product to "Pack" when you create new product with type of "Pack"
Bug Fix - Terms & Conditions popup up did not work at Seller Sign up page when Product Quick View is disabled.
Bug Fix - When at front store CMS page, language switch does not work - it only happens when agile multiple seller module is installed, but agile multiple shop module is not installed.
Improvement - Remove unnecessary parameter "sensor" from Google MAP API url.
Improvement - After payment with 3rd party payment module the Order Confirmation page was not displayed, but instead redirected to Order History page before. Now it will show order confirmation page even when use 3rd party payment modules.
Improvement - If seller shipping module is installed, when seller set product level carriers, then the module will automatically include "Default Carrier"

Version - 2015.12.29
Improvement - Seller Info - Postcode required validation will be based on Country need_zip_code field configuration (both front and back office)
Improvement - Seller Info - Postcode appearance will be based on Country need_zip_code field configuration (front only)
Improvement - Back office - Administration - Seller Business Info page - "Shop" field field availability will be based on installation of Agile Multiple Shop
Improvement - Back office - Administration - Seller Business Info page - Add new column "Seller ID" to avoid confusion between with ID(Info) column.
Improvement - It is configurable for store admin to choose use Paypal for payments between seller and store or not.
If choose not - Seller will not need to enter Paypal account unless use the seller use Paypal module to accept payment from customers
This configuration is added to Agile Seller Commission module.
Improvement - Make PrestaShop original Cash On Delivery module available for Seller Collects Payment mode or Store Collects Payment mode.
Improvement - seller is able to choose Theme for virtual shop at business info page.
Improvement - use address format defined in Country entity to generate seller address
Bug Fix - Address entity data ownership related issue: before it only works for customer address, now it works for customer/manufacturer/supplier.
Bug Fix - "Create Seller Account" check box option was shown at back office Customer Editing page even when logged in as sellers.
Bug fix - Browser cache issue of seller logo - when a new logo uploaded, you has to refresh browser to see the new logo image.
Bug Fix - Seller is not able to see some of the customers even if the customer has purchase from the seller.

Version - 2015.10.28
Improvement - Admin is able to specify the order statuses to trigger Seller Commission creation/generation (configure at seller commission module).
Improvement - Admin is able to specify the order statuses to trigger Seller Commission cancellation (configure at seller commission module) .
Improvement - Change "Shop By Seller" and "Shop By Location" pages controllers (from normal front page controller to standard module front controller)
A. admin will be able to change/define the URL of each page at back office Preferences - SEO & URLs tab
B. developer is able to use normal theme file override those pages in /themes/YourTheme/modules/modulename/views/templates/....)
Improvement - Apply new architecture with Agile Kernel and related modules so that it will not adding any new files to PresatShop unless override files. All modules will before self-constrained.
Improvement - Agile Multiple Seller/Membership module integration GUI enhancement
A. showing data loading icon Seller Summary page
B. hide or disappear links in customer My Account area based on module integration setting
Improvement - Trim payment info entered by seller to avoid errors caused by invisible characters like white spaces, tab.
Improvement - When create a new product, the product editing tab menu will show "1. Information" only, other menus will show after save. Before menu "1 .Information" will not show before saving a new product.
Improvement - Seller Payment info management page, the validation will be performed only when "In Use" is selected, otherwise the information will be saved but not validated.
Fixed - When a voucher is used in shopping cart with products from multiple sellers, the split discount has an issue when there is a tax.
(Note- we do not officially support discount vouchers at shopping cart contains products from multiple sellers, see Limitation section No.4)
Fix - When admin use bulk action button to enable/disable products, the product ownership got lost.
Fix - Seller was able to see the disabled categories at product management page.
Fix - Cancelled/Refunded orders were included in seller total sold amount on seller summary page
Fix - When seller use media server at front store, log in screen appears if it is not logged in yet - change to automatically login seller
Fix- When Seller media server seller was able to see other sellers images
Fix - At front store, if seller refresh the page after copying/duplicating a product, the copy/duplicate will be performed again.
Fix - A bug in specific version of Agile multiple seller 3.2.x, it did not assign virtual shop properly when sign up from new seller sign up page.
Change - Seller sign up form is removed from Customer Signup form, a link will bring customer to seller sign up if customer want to sign up a seller

Version - 2005.09.20
- Extension payment module integration API
allow read-only only payment infos- that will be set by payment module automatically like Stripe Connect
allow external links
allow tool-tip beside label
- Automatically filtering out the payment modules based on Payment collection mode - hide the payment module if it does not support
- A new payment module Agile Stripe Marketplace becomes available for all payment collection mode including "Seller Collect Payment" and "Both Seller and Store Collect Payment"

Version - 2005.08.13
- New architecture for payment module integration with agile multiple seller module
Make it easier to integrate 3rd party payment modules into agile multiple seller module.
See details here - ... ple-seller
Payment module can specify what payment mode to support
Payment module can provide validator for each field of payment info
Payment module can provide specify Label for each field of payment info
- Authorize.NET credit payment module now integrated with Agile Multiple Seller module, and it can be used at any Payment Collection mode
- Adjusted Agile Bank Wire, Agile Pay By Cheque, Agile Paypal Parallel, Agile Paypal Adaptive for the new integration architecture.
- Removing modification of back office theme file (controllers/products/informaiton.tpl) during module installation
- Seller private "Catalogue Price Rule" management at back office that will apply only to the seller's products.
- Validate uploaded logo file is JPG or PNG file, otherwise it will not upload.

Fix - Seller info does not work for PDF invoice because PrestaShop changed the override class methods.
Fix - When a re-enable a "disabled" employee, a seller account approved email will be sent

Version - 2015.07.01
New feature - (2015.07.01)Seller is able to add/create new orders from back office. (Back office Shopping Carts tab-menu will be hidden to sellers)
Bug fix - (2015.07.01)An issue only happens in PHP 5.3 environment.
Bug Fix - (2015.07.08)Sates dropdown list is not populated when seller access back office - such as Suppliers tab

Version - 2015.06.15
New features
- A new seller sign up page separated from general customer sign up, configurable to use customer signup page for seller signup or not
- Changed to log the seller ID when seller changed order status from front store seller management panel(Orders tab).
- Media server access available for sellers - Sellers can upload private images and use the images in product description, seller business info description and any HTML fields at both back office or front Seller Manager Panel.
- Seller is able to duplicate/copy an existing product
- Add validation to prevent sellers from using the same email address of other employee (of back office).
- Seller is able to copy main store product from existing catalogue by searching catalogue (seller can only search main store product or the seller's product)
- It is configurable for admin to allow seller to copy products from main store or not

Bug fixes
- Sorting and Filtering function at product list page at front Seller Management Panel
- seller commission calculation related to shipping tax (exclude tax)
- fixed an error when preview a product from back office if it is not approved or not active.
- some admin tan-menu from module will disappear on some some specific pages such as "Permissions" page.

Version - 2015.03.13
- It is configurable to include tax or not for commission calculation (related to seller commission module)
- Changed to show changed order status at order details page at front store seller management panel(Orders tab).
- Adjustment for Sporting PrestaShop
- Changed all email template to use the PrestaShop 1.6x default design style

Bug fixes
- Front store seller management panel - seller business info page - upload button and message translation issue.
- javascript error at product management page(front) - general informaiton
- when seller import products from back office, if choose "Force all ID numbers" option, and if it is new product, then it would cause errors
- when seller import products from back office, if choose "Delete all products before import", it will delete all products in the store.

Version - 2015.01.14
Bug fixes
- Fixed page dead-loop issue when agile multiple shop is installed at HTTPS environment.
- Fix front - Order Details page - using wrong id_carrier in ps_orders table
- Fix - Seller name disappear when switch between list view and grid view on product list page such as category page, search result page,...
(note - in order to show seller name on product list page, you need modify related view file (theme file), see install_en.txt file for more details.
- Fix - Unit price was not saved in front seller product management page.
- Fix - SQL error at best seller products block in ProductSale class
- Fix - back office seller login does not see supplier at product editing page/suppliers tab
- Fix - Commission currency display issue
- Fix - Seller Summary page Total Sold in wrong currency if your store receive payments in different currency other than default currency. Now it shows separated total for each currency

New features/Improvements
- Seller is able to enter shipping tracking number at front management panel - Orders tab, and "package in transit" email notification will be sent to customer automatically.
- Change - hide or show seller sign up form based on Customer Registration Process Type
- changed all hooks to use real hook name in PrestaShop 1.6x instead of using alias hook name.
- Allow enter "," instead of "." for prices in European market
- Change to use free text input for product unity instead of using drop down list of pre-defined unities.\
- "My Virtual Shop" link is added at bottom of My Seller Account(Seller management panel) pages.
- At sign up page, when user choose sign up as a seller, the entered data will be kept when there was an validation error. (it was not kept before)
- when a new seller account created at back office, the customer will receive "Welcome" email with password and also your seller seller account email.

Version - 2014.08.08
- Change seller commission to exclude tax
- changed to restrict country of seller to the enabled countries in presstashop configured at back office.
- Fixed smarty error(PrestaShop at back office Administration - Seller Business Info page

Version - 2014.07.12
- Configurable to choose show category URL based on main store URL or current virtual shop URL
- When admin duplicate a product, the product owner (seller) info will also be copied over.
- Seller is also able to duplicate product at back office.
- Configurable to disable or enable seller back office access
- When choose to delete Customer completely, it will delete the seller account linked to that customer and also seller virtual shops

- Fixed seller info records duplications issue when you delete a customer account and sign up a new one with same email address
- Fixed tinymce JavaScript error issue at single language environment.
- Fixed [Base Price] displaying issue at product list page in Seller Management Panel (My Seller Account)

Version - 2014.04.05
- PrestaShop 1.6x support+ following improvements
- Synchronize seller account credential between front (customer) account and back office (employee) account.
- You can use any field of seller info data in invoice header or footer.
- Hide [create seller] check box and form at One Page Checkout
- Seller List option module improvements - disable [reorder] function if any products in the order has been expired list options.
(it will displayed an error message when user try to reorder from My Account - Order History page)
- Front end seller management panel - enhance seller business information data validation to avoid exception error when entering wrong data in city/address/company name.
- Filter out Products and Orders section in Customer details page at back office when logged in as Seller

Version - 2013.12.22
- Show following tabs before seller is approved to allow seller to enter to required information before approval.
Seller Summary/Seller Payment Info/Seller Business Info
- Configurable allow seller to register products to Home category or not (as Featured Products)
- Open category tree for those selected category make it easy for seller to manage the product association.
- When seller info is saved, copy empty multiple language filed from non- empty fields in current language
- fixed an issue at front product management panel - image tab, it does not work properly at Italian language because of seismical characters
- fixed an issue at back office - seller is able add category via Quick Access link even the module is configured as not allowed.

Version - 2013.10.06
1. New features to front catalogue management page
A. Seller is able to manage product shipping info
B. Seller is able to management product attachment
C. Seller is able to have private attachments (those created by seller will only visible to sellers)

2. Custom fields for Seller Info, make it easier for you to customize
A.It makes more flexible for store owner and system integrator to customize the module by using custom fields.
B.Support different type of custom fields: datetime, number, text, HTML
C.Configurable to choose the the usage of the fields
D.Use translation function to name the custom fields at your own needs

3. Enforce Seller Home Category
- Admin can set Seller Home Category for each seller at Seller Business Info
- Seller can only register products under categories start from Seller Home Category
- When seller logged in at both from or back office Management pages, the category tree will start from Seller Home Category

4.Token/credit module integration improvement
This is available when Agile Multiple module, Seller Commission module and Prepaid credit module are all installed.
A. Seller can request Convert account balances to credits/tokens (to use it at front store)
B. Seller can request Convert tokens/credit to Seller Account Balance

5. New fields are added to seller signup form front store by default
When customer choose to sign up a seller and click on Agree on Term & Conditions, a set of new seller info fields will be displayed for seller to fill in.
- Company
- Address (all fields)
- Phone

6. Following tabs back office has been changed to use PS 1.5x standard, removed compatibility with PrestaShop 1.4x
A. Bulk Approval (Under Catalogue tab when product list approval required)
B. Order Products (under Orders tab)

7 When seller signup at front office, seller basic information like address and phone information will be included in the sign up form

8. [New Order] email send to seller now include product customization information.

9. You can choose to show Seller Management Panel position on left or right side of front store page. It is configurable at module configuration screen.
By Default, front store Seller Management Panel uses left column and centre column, that is at left side of the page. You can change that based on your theme design.

10. Changes and fixes
Change - When Seller List Options module is installed, it will always show store owner's products because it never need to pay for list options
Change - Special product like membership/tokens/list options will not be included in Top Seller list
Change - Agile Installer is updated to detect override conflicts automatically and override classes installation in a standard way
Change - Exclude special products like membership/token/list options from Top Seller list
Change - Always show store owner products even when Seller List Options is installed
Fixed bug - product customization data lost when splitting the cart contains products from multiple sellers.
Fixed bug - Error occurs when Seller to try to update order carrier tracking number at order details page at back office
Fixed bug - Google displaying issue in some themes that does not have same DIV tag as the PrestaShop default theme.
Fixed bug - Check box for show_price is always disabled even remove [available for order]
Fixed bug - Paypal email address validation error even it is not selected as in use
Fixed bug - Description length validation is not correct, it is hard coded with 256
Fixed bug - Error occurs when seller try to delete price/weight range at back office
Fixed bug - Error occurs when Seller to try to update order carrier tracking number at order details page at back office
Fixed bug - Error occurs when seller try to delete price/weight range at back office

Version - 2013.06.01
- Multiple language support for seller info company name and description field
- Integrated with Agile prepaid token module, and seller can convert account balance to token/credit so that seller can use it to purchase products at store.
- removed default category field from Information tab at front store My Seller Account - Products page
(this is to avoid performance and resource issue when build full name path category tree when there are many categories)
- seller paypal email address format validation when entering payment info at both front store and back office.
- Add image format validation for product image uploading at front store My Seller Account management panel
- fixed an issue that bank wire account owner info nor saved at front store My Seller Account - Payment Info tab
- fixed and issue : seller can delete any products from front store My Seller account
- fixed an issue that products and categories will be displayed duplicated after add or import a new language.
- fixed filtering issue at Bulk Approval tab
- fixed mail subject translation issue

Version - 2013.03.24
- Removed seller type from this module and added into Agile multiple seller module.
- Hide [root] category at front store My Seller Account - Product tabs - Information page
- Display fill path of category in drop down list at My Seller Account - Product tab - Information page
- Show seller type fields at business info form only when agile multiple shop module is installed
- Use category full path name in category drop down list for default category selections at My Seller Account - Products tab - Information page
- Enforced required field validation - company, address1, city, postcode, country
- Gift warping fee will apply to each seller when a sopping cart contains products from multiple sellers.
- Separate the module for PrestaShop 1.4x and prestahop 15.x or higher
- Fixd an issue at Seller front office Product Management page - price increased automatically when there is combination of the price.
- Fixed an error that non seller was able to add a products
- Fixed a bug at front store My Seller Account - Account History page. It displays wrong records of transactions data.
- Fixed a bug at back office Customers tab - a new seller was created even when you update non seller customer account
- Fixed a bug at Seller Product management at front store - when adding specific price, if you lease the price to 0(to apply default price), it will be really set price to 0, but it should not.
- fixed an Fatal Error when admin create order from back office.
- fixed an Final price display issue at front office My Seller Account product list page
- fixed an displaying issue at specific price (discount) at My Seller Account product - specific price page.
- Fixed some translations issue
- Fixed an issue in My Seller Account when SSL is enabled - that data in form is not saved.

Version 2.1.4 - 2013.03.11
- Add new field Seller Type to seller info, each seller can have primary seller type and secondary seller type
- Seller type can be managed at back office new tab Administration tab - Seller Types tab
- At Agile Multiple Shop module - you are able to search sellers by Seller Type and Location
- When customer send a message/comment about an order from My Account - Order History, seller will also received the message by email.
- It is configurable to allow store owner to choose use Seller/Vendor Terms & Conditions or not and choose a CMS page for Seller/Vendor Terms & Conditions, and require seller/vendor agree on it before signup.
- Seller can use import function of Categories/Products/Customers(PrestaShop 1.5x only) at back office
- Order status [Payment Remotely accepted] will be be considered as same as status [Payment Accepted] for a valid order.
- New product notification function - when you configure the module as [Product Listing Approval Required], as admin you will receive a [New Product] notification.
- Assigned the Seller to be the owner of his/her front customer account, before it was set as public.
- At [Seller Collects Payment] payment collection mode - now Seller is able to choose to use a specific payment method or not from available payment methods.
and the each payment method will appear or disappear in the payment method list when customer checkout process.
- Fixed an issue at Seller front office Product Management page - price increased automatically when there is combination of the price.
- Fixed an error that non seller was able to add a products
- Fixed a bug at front store My Seller Account - Account History page. It displays wrong records of transactions data.
- Fixed a bug at back office Customers tab - a new seller was created even when you update non seller customer account
- Fixed a bug at Seller Product management at front store - when adding specific price, if you lease the price to 0(to apply default price), it will be really set price to 0, but it should not.

Version 2.1.2 - 2013.01.07
- Adjusted the module to be compatible with PrestaShop 1.5.3
- Able to assign all products in a category including sub-category to the owner of current category (The button visible to admin and when the category has an owner (seller).
->Seller is able to choose List Options at front Product management page when add/edit product (My Seller Account).
-Seller is able to register virtual(downloadable) products at front store Product Management page
-Fixed an displaying issue at Back office, Seller Payment Info tab - seller payment info list (company name was displayed incorrectly)
-Fixed an issue at Seller Collects payment, the tax is not displayed correctly at payment selection page.
-Fixed an issue at front store adding a new product and choose language other than default language

Version 2.1.1 - 2012.12.07
- New seller account email send to seller and admin
- Seller account approval email send to seller (only when module is configured at Seller Account Approval required)

Version 2.1.0 - 2012.12.01
- Integrated with new released Agile Multiple Shop module which allow each seller to have a virtual shop, virtual directory and separated themes.

Version 2.0.0 - 2012.10.20
- Module compatible with PrestaShop 1.5x, most functionalities are rebuilt in new PrestaShop architecture.
- Implemented seller front office management functionality. Seller is able to manage products/orders/business info/payment info/product inquiry

Version 1.5.0 - 2012.09.20
- Implemented multiple payment function for Payment Collection mode: Seller collects Payments
Allow shopping cart contains products from multiple seller's products, and buyer can pay sellers one by one in multiple times . Only Integrated payment modules listed in [Payment modules] section are supported.

Version - 2012.08.11
- fixed a bug at Customers tab back office when filtering by email address (SQL?error)
- fixed a bug at split-discount, even there is no discount voucher in order, value 0 split-discount-voucher is created at order splitting.
- If seller logo is not uploaded, it will display a representative image [Log Not Available] based on languages.

Version - 2012.08.05
- Admin is able to assign multiple products at a time to a selected seller on catalog
- product list page at back office- Automatically exclude categories from sellers in category browsing at back office, such as Memberships category for membership module, Tokens category for Prepaid Credit/Tokens module, List Options category for Seller List Options
- Automatically exclude categories from sellers in category selection product page at back office, such as Memberships category for membership module, Tokens category for Prepaid Credit/Tokens module, List Options category for Seller List Options
- Fix a bug that shopping cart is not cleared after order payment IF the shopping contains products from multiple sellers. This is bug is caused by split shopping cart.

Version - 2012.07.14
- fixed message lost issue when split multiple seller cart into multiple carts(done)
- Changed to use Order data instead of shopping cart for commission generation, so even if product price is changed, it will not be affected.
- fixed a bug at seller invoice PDF file (state/country ID was used instead of name in the seller address)
- Hide Google Map related GUI if SSL/HTTPS is enabled at store because Google does not provide free SSL/HTTPS based Google maps.

Version - 2012.06.22
- Deduction x% from total sale for commission calculation? specify deduction rate percentage at Insertion Fee tab? display deduction amount and order origin at Account History?
- Integrated to prestabay module so that?? you can specify deduction for orders imported from ebay (via prestabay)
- Hide [Approved] field if module configuration setting [Listing Approval Required] is not selected

Version - 2012.06.08
- Implement SEO friendly URL for My Seller Account page.
- Implement canonical redirection, , even user input a non-SEO-friendly URL, it will automatically redirect to a SEO friendly URL

Version - 2012.06.02
- Changed to use company name as display seller name at back office
- configurable to enable/disable category browsing and show all products in one place for seller??
- configurable to display seller name on product list pages(category/home featured/search result)
- Display Seller Logo/Name/Address on PDF invoice file? and order confirmation email address?
- Split shopping cart into multiple orders if the cart contains products from multiple sellers. One order per seller.
-The installer will copy all override file automatically. Back up original file it is necessary.
- new tab under Order tab, to show list of products ordered, each seller can see their own products

Version - 2012.04.27
[those are configured at Agile Sellers commission]
- The module support voucher functions for sellers. Vouchers can only be issued by store, but shared by sellers by the percentage of products amount in an order.
The voucher cost could be in following two mode
* At sellers cost: the voucher discount amount will be deducted from sellers sales amount.
* At store's cost: the voucher discount amount will not be deducted from sellers amount.
- Shipping fee handling in commission calculation now is configurable in two different ways.
* Include shipping - Shipping fee will be included in Insertion/commission calculation
* Exclude shipping - Shipping fee will be excluded in Insertion/commission calculation

Version - 2012.08.19
- A new tab [Bulk Approval] is created for admin to bulk approve products. Admin can approve many products or all product at one click. It is useful if you have already registered many products before you install Agile Multiple Seller module.
- Now each seller can have its own default category. If you set default category, it will become root category of the seller and the seller will be redirected to this automatically after log in to the back office.

Version - 2012.04.22
- Fixed an issue with integration with seller shipping module
- Display seller shipping info at sellers products list section at Order Details page at back office

Version - 2012.04.18
- Fixed an installation issue caused by PrestaShop Hook->Save() at create_hook. It only saves name, but there are other non-null-able field, it fails in some Windows NT Environment, most cases are OK.
- Integrated?into Google Checkout module, make it possible for seller collect payment by Google Checkout

Version - 2012.04.14
- Integration with Agile Seller Shipping module
- Integration with Agile Membership module so that you can use membership module to limit the number?of products listing for sellers

Version - 2012.05.21
Integrated into Agile Seller Shipping module that a allow customer to choose carrier at product item level, and allow sellers set private carriers and all Shopping Cart mode.

Version - 2012.05.10
- Fixed the translation issue for message [This order contains products from other seller....]
- Fixed seller logo upload issue - the folder img/as is not created in some circumstance.
- Fixed customer and seller account link issue

Version - 2012.05.02
- Changed to use company name instead of first name/last name for sellers on front office page
- Add new tab [Order Products] under Orders tab ta back office so that admin is able to see ordered products from sellers.

Version - 2012.04.08
- Remove configuration item [Automatically sign up seller account]
- Adds Checkbox option at customer sign up page to choose [Create Seller Account] or not
- Hide [Position] column of categories list and product list from sellers if the seller is not the owner of the category, to prevent from sellers to changing sort positions.

Version - 2012.03.22
- Merged Seller Info tab (back office) into Employees tab so that manage seller's other info and payment info are in in one tab.
- Seller can set Bank Account information for receiving bank transfer payment
- Integrated Bank transfer payment method, so that [Seller Collect payments] is available for bank transfer(Must use customized Agile Bank Transfer module)
- It also make it available for [Seller Collect payments] available Cash On Delivery (PrestaShop original Cash On Delivery module)
- Send all new order to store admin (send to Shop Email)

Version - 2012.02.28
- Integrated with Agile PresteShop Paypal Adaptive payment, now can handle commission payment automatically without manually perform any payment.

- Listing product approval feature is implemented and it is configurable at module configure screen. You can easily enable and disable listing approval function.

Version - 2012.02.17
- Make it configurable for the approval requirement when Seller signup from front office

Version 1.4.1 - 2012.02.04
- Integration of Seller List options module
Show as HOT option
Show on HOME option
Show on TOP of the list(category)
- remove expiry date of product. It is implemented by listing option module

Version 1.4.0 - 2012.01.21
- Limit one cart only allow products from the same seller
- Each seller is able to set his/her shipping
- Order is no longer shared by different sellers.

Version 1.3.0 - 2011.11.05
- Integration with seller commission module
- If customer sign up a seller account from front office, the seller account is initially inactive.
Admin has to activate the seller account.

With this version, you have an option to use seller commission module(separated module) so that you can manage commissions calculations and commission payments. It give a great flexibility to set different level of commission for different sellers.

Version 1.2.5 - 2011.11.05
- Hide products from other sellers in order alert email sent to seller and display a notes
- Hide products from other sellers in order detailed page at back office if current logged in is a seller.
- Hide products from other sellers in PDF invoice at back office if current logged in is a seller.
- Display following message in above 3 [This order contains products from other sellers, they are hidden from you. But they they are visible to admin and your customer.]
- Enable HTML editor for seller info description fields.
- Fix the duplication display of customer in customer [Tab]
- Moved the [Seller Info] tab from [Employees] tab to [Customers] tab in back office.

Version 1.2.4 - 2011.10.08
- product listing expiry date(like eBay), it will be disabled automatically when it goes expired.
- seller can direct go to back office from front office My-Account page.
(It is available when [Allow customer becomes seller] is enabled)

Version 1.2.4 - 2011.10.08
- product listing expiry date(like eBay), it will be disabled automatically when it goes expired.
- seller can direct go to back office from front office My-Account page.
(It is available when [Allow customer becomes seller] is enabled)

Version 1.2.3
- fixed an issue with Customer Message (seller filtering was not working)
- fixed an potential security issue(when seller manually input id_order at URL to see other sellers orders)
- fixed label/message translation issue

Version 1.2.2
- Some changes on configuration screen
- Seller collects sales, cart items control now support both ajaxCart and non ajaxCart[done]
- filtering out products list for Auto complete input box - ajax_product_list.php
- filtering out the category list at product detail page for set product category/default category

Version 1.2
- No manually file change is required at installation.
- Integrated with Agile paypal, make it possible for seller to collect their own sales
- Disable all products when a seller is disabled or deleted
- Seller can have their own categories
- Seller info extend - photo (logo), address other info
- Seller can create and maintain their own CMS pages
- Able to show seller info & Google map as a tab on product details page
- Admin is able to register categories/products for seller, then assign it to seller
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - Front store - Product - Seller Info tab
agile_multiple_seller_11_for_product_sellerinfo.jpg (24.3 KiB) Viewed 102730 times
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - Product icon image
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - PrestaShop back office - Catalog tab
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - PrestaShop Back office - Catalog tab - Product detail page
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - PrestaShop Back office - Customers tab(Seller)
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - PrestaShop back office - Order Detail page
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - PrestaShop Back Office - Orders list tab (Seller)
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - My Seller Account Scrceen
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - Seller Info/location
PrestaShop multiple seller/vendor module - Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor - Configuration Screen
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby samaxe_571 » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:45 pm

I was wondering if your agile multi seller would work for an online photo gallery where each photographer would only have access to his own images (editing and uploading new ones) and could set his own prices, etc. Without any access to other photographers info or customers.
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Re: PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Selle

Postby shokinro » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:47 pm

I was wondering if your agile multi seller would work for an online photo gallery where each photographer would only have access to his own images (editing and uploading new ones) and could set his own prices, etc. Without any access to other photographers info or customers.

yes, that is what the module does.
you can register each photographer as seller which has special profile with limited access.
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby samaxe_571 » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:49 pm

Thanks. Would the photographers be able to handle their own product sales, income, etc, or does that have to go through the main store, and then send them the money for sales?Also, is it possible to have a membership like thing for the photographers, where they would pay like $80 per month for the store?
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Re: PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Selle

Postby shokinro » Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:54 pm

Would the photographers be able to handle their own product sales, income, etc, or does that have to go through the main store, and then send them the money for sales?

Yes, they can log in as employee at back office.
they accness and manage their own products/orders etc. , but theire access is limited to their own data. they are not ablee to see other sellers information.

Also, is it possible to have a membership like thing for the photographers, where they would pay like $80 per month for the store?

We have another membership module that can help you handle this kind membership fees.
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby michaelspeier_583 » Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:18 pm

Hi, fantastic product! I was wondering if you could customize this product for me? Or recommend other modules for me to purchase.

I don\'t like the product upload form prestashop uses and would like to customize it.
1. I want the form to only display the fields I want.
2. Have the complete form on one page (with more options for me admin)
3. Allow for multiple photo select and upload (instead of individual)
4. have a section for the seller to write postage costs to different countries.

If you provide me with an email address, I could email you the type of upload form I want.

There are other functions I would like to purchase if you could develop them (such as seller ratings)
Looking forward to hearing from you
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby brunoalexandre_592 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:59 am

Hi, im interested in the Multi vendor plugin for Prestashop, but I wonder if buying as it is, will the future upgrade be for free?
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby thibautpines_593 » Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:17 am

Hello. Is your module available in french ?
If not, is it easy to translate in the code ?
Thanks for your answer.
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby vpihouee_602 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:27 am

Hi Shokinro

Does it take in account the discount code option? can each sellers can create his own discount code and apply it only for his products.
If payment is Seller collect money, how does it works if a buyer select different products sold by different vendors?

Do you do a discount package if we choose the multi vendor module paiment agile module?

Thanks for the good work
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PrestaShop Multiple Seller module - Agile Multiple Seller

Postby nismovipfx_613 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:45 pm

Dear Sir,

I like to request access to back office for Agile Multiple Seller.

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