thanks for your inquiry.
1. domain (or sub-domain) by seller
We do not support different domain or use sub-domain. we only support virtual directory for sellers.For example:
- Code: Select all
2. seller can customize their theme (or select)
Currently seller is not able to customize theme.
Only admin can install themes, assign theme to sellers.
But it is possible to make changes so that seller can choose from installed themes.
3. seller can customize show/hide products from whole products.
4. seller can add their products - at least show or hide. (adjustable as their domain)
Yes Seller create/edit and disable/enable his/her own products.
5. managing commissions. - total products profit margin (sale price - cost) by seller.
Admin can set different commission rate for all sellers or for a specific seller.
Based on above information, you will need following modules
- agile multiple seller
- agile multiple shop
- agile seller commission
based on your requirements, you may or may not need some other modules.
please read our guide document here for more details. ... mall-guidePlease also verify the functions of our modules at live demo site before purchase our modules.
I will send you demo site access info shortly. You can also request demo access from our product page - Live Demo tab.