just purchased this module and i am using it with P.S. and i have a question:
I see in "hookproducttabcontent.tpl" fields that are not shown in front end, for example
{if $show_seller_store_link==1}
<a href="{$link->getAgileSellerLink($sellerInfo->id_seller,$sellerInfo->company)}" class="btn btn-default button button-small">
but there is no place where a seller can add a link
can you help me with this please??
The link in the code links to seller virtual shop, if only available when following module is installed
- agile multiple shop(each seller will have a virtual shop)
I think what you added is a custom field for seller information, Not for product information.and another one: if i enable a custom field it is shown for the seller but not in front end in the product tab (same happens with the "identification" field)