What is "Module Options" in Product Page

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What is "Module Options" in Product Page

Postby cong_pine_3441 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:46 am

When creating product in P1.7/ agilemultipleseller-, there is a tab called: Modules Options with the content:
Agile Multi Seller module

What is it used for ? How can I hide it ?
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Re: What is "Module Options" in Product Page

Postby shokinro » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:16 am

[quote]When creating product in P1.7/ agilemultipleseller-, there is a tab called: Modules Options with the content:
Agile Multi Seller module
What is it used for ? How can I hide it ?
This is hook from agile multiple seller module to hook some additional field, for example "Seller" field on upper right corner of Step1.
In PrestaShop 1.7, it is the only hook that we can use to add those fields - we waiting for a new hooks so that we can use new hook to hide this section.
it should be hidden once PrestaShop prepared the hook.
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