Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

When following conditions are met, you  may face following warning message

- DEV mode is enabled

- Seller Shipping module is enabled

- There is any products that does not have a delivery carrier available

( ! ) Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:wamp64wwwdev16xclassesCart.php on line 2211

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: total_price_without_tax_with_rules in C:wamp64wwwdev16xclassesCart.php on line 2319

( ! ) Warning: Division by zero in C:wamp64wwwdev16xclassesCart.php on line 2320

To fix those errors, you will need to modify file /classes/Cart.php

A. add following line before line #2211 :  foreach ($common_carriers as $id_carrier) {

 if(!$common_carriers)$common_carriers = array();

B. changed line #2319 as following


$delivery_option_list[$id_address][$key]['is_free'] = !$total_price_without_tax_with_rules ? true : false;


if(isset($total_price_without_tax_with_rules))$delivery_option_list[$id_address][$key]['is_free'] = !$total_price_without_tax_with_rules ? true : false;

C. change line #2320 as following


$delivery_option_list[$id_address][$key]['position'] =  $position / count($value['carrier_list']);


if(count($value['carrier_list'])>0)$delivery_option_list[$id_address][$key]['position'] =  $position / count($value['carrier_list']);