The following issues reported frequently from customers with PrestaShop 1.7x. If you are facing this issue, please follow instructions below.
Because of store or server permission settings, some of the files are not installed/modified correctly. After install of agile multiple seller, when you access your store you got white pages or 500 internal server error. If your DEBUG mode is enabled, you may see following errors.
In this case, please following instructions below.
Please make a backup of each file you are going to make changes, so that you can restore it back in case you made mistakes.
File 1: YourStoreRoot/vendor/composor/autoload_static.php
Search for following line in above file in your store.
public static $classMap = array (
If following line do not appear after the above line, then add these 2 lines after this line.
'PrestaShopPrestaShopAdapterAgileMultipleSellerLocationProductSearchProvider' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/Adapter/AgileMultipleSeller/LocationProductSearchProvider.php',
'PrestaShopPrestaShopAdapterAgileMultipleSellerSellerProductSearchProvider' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/Adapter/AgileMultipleSeller/SellerProductSearchProvider.php',
File 2: YourStoreRoot/vendor/composor/autoload_classmap.phpautoload_static.php
Search for following line in above file in your store.
return array(
If following line do not appear after the above line, then add these 2 lines after this line.
'PrestaShopPrestaShopAdapterAgileMultipleSellerLocationProductSearchProvider' => dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/src/Adapter/AgileMultipleSeller/LocationProductSearchProvider.php',
'PrestaShopPrestaShopAdapterAgileMultipleSellerSellerProductSearchProvider' => dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/src/Adapter/AgileMultipleSeller/SellerProductSearchProvider.php',