Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

If you are using Agile Pickup Center module 1.2 and above, this is not relevant.

The following information only applies to Agile Pickup Center module 1.1x or lower.

3. Why is distance calculated incorrectly and the customer address is not displayed on the map?




  • The Agile Pickup Center module will dynamically retrieve geographical location information, including latitude and longitude, from the Google Map website by calling the API fo Google.

Note that your server needs to be configured to allow calling external websites from PHP pages so that the module is able to retrieve customer address latitude and longitude from the Google Map service site.




If above issue occurs, in most cases the problem is that your server is not allowing the call to an external website URL, such as Google.

Open the php.ini file under your store root folder, add following line, then save the file.

     (Please create php.ini file if it does not exist under your store root folder)

 allow_url_fopen = On