Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

Among many other great features of the Agile PrestaShop Product Reviews/Ratings/Comments module, product review solicitation request emails are a very usful tool that will help you collect more product reviews from customers who have purchased products form your PrestaShop online store.

The features of product comment/review solicitation emails:

Listed below are the main points of this feature:

- The module will automatically send an email to a customer who has puechased products from your PrestaShop online store.

- The email will be sent after X days of the purchase. The X days is configurable from the moudle configuration screen.  For example, you can send a product review solicitation request email after 7 days of purchase, 10 days of purchase, etc.

- The solicitation email is a template, which you can customize as needed.

- Links to the product review pages are automatically included in the email as a variable.


Why the product review solicitation email might not work:

You will need to understand how the email is sent out so that you will know how to trouble shoot the issue when you think the email is not working correctly.

There is a program inside of the modiule that will send out the email by checking the database and configuration of your module. This program simply waits in the background until you send it a message to tell it to check the database to see if there are emails which need to be sent out.

Here are a few ways to trigger the email delivery program:

1.  Online visitor:

If there are any visitors in your online store, the module will automatically ask the email delivery prohgram to check the database to see if there are any emails which need to be sent.  This option is on by default, and is always there.

So as long as your store has visitors, the email delivery program will check and send out emails.  Usually, your site will have at least some visitors (like SEO engines) to trigger the program.

In any case, as long as you have at least some visitors everyday, the program will be triggered to run.

2. You can trigger the program manually:

This is usually also a good way to test if the program is working correctly.

You can trigger the program manually by calling the following URL from your browser:

When you visit thiis URL, it will automatically call the program.  It will then display message to tell you if there were any emails sent out during this currenct execution.  If not, it will also tell you there was no customer order found that needed to be sent based on the configuration.

3.  You can use a cron job to run the above URL:

You can create cron jon to make sure the program will be called at any specific time you want the emails to be sent out.  To do this, you will need to create a cron job on your web server.  If you do not know how to do that, please contact yout hosting service provider technical support.

There are two ways to send out the product review soliciting/requesting email.