This page will assist you in setting the "Payment Collection Mode", and show you how to choose payment modules/payment method for your multiple sellers/vendors store or marketplace.
Payment collection mode:
There are 3 payment colection mode are available in Agile Multiple Seller.
A. Store Collects Payment
B. Seller Collects Payment
C. Both Store and Seller Collect Payment
A. Store Collects Payment
Who receives money?
In the Store Collects Payment mode, all payments from customers will go directly to the store. The payment account information is set in the payment modules configuration screen.
What payment module/methods can I use?
In the Store Collects Payment payment collection mode, you can use any payment methods/modules that are available for your PrestaShop store. There is no limitation on the payment modules.
How about commissions and seller sales?
In the Store Collects Payment mode, as store owner you must pay the sellers for his/her sales after first deducting any commissions and/or transaction fees.
If you have installed the Agile PrestaShop Seller Commission module, the module will calcuate the amount and record a detailed transactions account history for each seller. You will be able to use Paypal to pay the sellers, however each seller must has a Paypal account.
Or you can use any other offline payment method and then manually add offline payment records to the account history to adjust the account balance.
B. Seller Collects Payment
Who receieves money?
In the Seller Collects Payment mode, all payments from customers will go directly to the seller. The payment account information must be set in the back office through the Administration->Employees (seller info page).
What payment module/methods can I use?
In the Seller Collects Payment payment mode, only certain payment methods/module are supported. For payment modules requiring special payment account information, only customized modules by are supotted. Currently, the following payment module are available:
Agile PrestaShop Paypal Express Checkout (
Agile PrestaShop paypal Adaptive Payment (
Agile PrestaShop Bank Transfer (
Cash On Delivery (PrestaShop Original module)
How about commissions and seller sales?
In the Seller Collects Payment mode, sellers have collected the sales, so each seller has to pay the store any commissions owed. However, this commission will have to paid manually by the seller based on any current agreement between seller and store.
If you have installed the Agile PrestaShop Seller Commission module, all commission calcuations are automatically done by this module, and all transaction details are recorded in Account History. Seller amounts due (Account Balance) are automatically calculated by this module. And, Sellers are able to use Paypal to pay the store as long as both seller and store have Paypal accounts and have set payment options correctly.
C. Both Seller/Store Collect Payment
Who receieves money?
In the "Both Seller/Store Collect Payment" payment mode, the payment from customers will be automatically split between the Store and Seller. Everything is done automatically. Any commissions due is also considered in the split payment.
What payment module/methods can I use?
In the "Both Seller/Store Collect Payment" mode, only those payments modules that support multiple payments/parallel/split payments are supported. Currently, only the following module is supported:
- Agile Paypal Parallel Payment module (
- Agile Stripe Marketplace module (
How about commissions and seller sales?
In the "Both Seller/Store Collect Payment" mode, everything is done automativally. Neither the seller nor the store have to handle any manual payments between seller and store. This payment collection mode must have the Agile Seller Commission Module installed.
D. Payment collection mode, Shopping Cart mode
Please see the matrix chart above to choose your payment mode, shopping cart mode, and payment modules for your online market place soltuon - Agile Multiple Seller module.