Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

How To Set Up Agile PrestaShop Membership Module 

 This document will introduce the basic steps to set up memberships in your PrestaShop store using the Agile PrestaShop Membership Management Module.  If you prefer a more detailed step-by-step guide, please check here.

What is the purpose of this module?

Using this module, you can set up different types of memberships within your store with different membership fees, duration (expiration), and discounts. You can also set certain content for membership only access.

Set up the Membership module:

We are assuming you have already installed the membership module.  If you have not yet installed it, please install the Agile PrestaShop Membership Module now.  The installation is very easy and can be done in just a few clicks.  Please follow the instructions in the install_en.txt file included in the module package, or click here to see how to install a Agile PrestaShop module.

Step 1 - Create a special category in your PrestaShop catalogue for membership products.

Membership fees are set up as products within your PrestaShop store.  You will need to create a special category, and create all membership fee products within this category.  Let's create a category named "Memberships".

   - Login to the Back Office.

   - Hover over the "Catalog" tab, then click the "Categories" option.

   - Add a new category and name it "Memberships"

Step 2 - Create all membership fee products within the category you created in Step 1.

Let's assume you are going create a "Basic Membership" - $50, "Silver mmebership"- $100, and a "Gold membership" - $150.   You will need to create 3 different products within the category "Memberships".

   -  Login to the Back Office.

   -  Hover over the "Catalog" tab, then click "Products".

   -  Browse to the "Memberships" category.

   -  Add a new product and set the name, price, and other information, such as:

          --- Product Name -  Basic Membership

          --- Product Price - $50

   -  Do the same for the other two membership levels.

For detailed step-by-step instructions for Steps 1 & 2, please click "How to set up membership category before configuring Agile PrestaShop membership module".

Step 3 - Create a membership customer group and set a discount.

Next you can set up a customer group for each membership.

   - Login to the Back Office.

   - Hover over the "Customers" tab, then click the "Groups" option.

Create a new customer group for each membership type with a different discount, for example:

   -  "Basic Membership" - 5% discount,

   -  "Silver Membership" - 10% discount,

   -  "Gold  Membership" - 15% discount,

If you would like more details, check "How to create customer groups for membership with different discount rate".

Step 4 - Link the products and discounts together, and set membership the expiry days.

Now it's time for you finalize the membership setup.  In this step, you will link the membership fee products, customer groups' discounts, and set the membership expiry time.

   - Login to the Back office.

   - Hover over the "Modules" tab, then click the "Modules" option.

   - Search for the "Agile Membership module" by searching on the keyword  "agile".

   - Click the "Confgiure" link which is displayed under the module name.

* You now see configuration screen.

You need to link the Membership category to the category you created in Step 1, then click "Save".  You can now see the memberships are listed.

Next you can choose a discount for each membership from a drop down list, and also select the interval and duration for each membership type.

Need more details?  Please check  our "How to configure the Agile PrestaShop Membership Module".