Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

Showcase list

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There are 12 showcase(s) found.

Date Submitted: 2013-02-14 06:32:19
PrestaShop version:

Products Used
Módulo de múltiples PrestaShop ágil vendedor/proveedor
Ágil vendedor/proveedor PrestaShop módulo de clasificación
Módulo de Prestashop vendedor productos ágil

Store Description
Plataforma venta online de productos ecológicos y artesanales directamente del productor. Punto de encuentro entre pequeños productores/artesanos y clientes finales.

Customer Comments
Módulos completos en funcionalidad aunque con ciertos problemas de incompatibilidad con algunos módulos originales de prestashop, por ejemplo los descuentos


Date Submitted: 2012-09-29 00:07:07
PrestaShop version: 1.4

Products Used
Módulo de múltiples PrestaShop ágil vendedor/proveedor
Ágil vendedor/proveedor PrestaShop módulo de clasificación
Módulo de Comisión ágil vendedor de Prestashop

Store Description is an online mall with a fresh outlook on shopping for exclusive designs. No doubt today the online shopping space has given a plethora of options for the customer, but on the downside it has affected the overall distinctive factors, or special needs of each individual customer. High5store will be a megastore of stores which display such unique, exclusive designs. As a one-stop store for products of varied kinds, we intend to build an online community for designers, manufacturers, curators, retailers and connect them to global consumers. We as an online mall also work to encourage small-scale sellers who are unable to tap the online market. This online presence that sellers enjoy can enable them to stir up their business substantially. Its time you take the plunge and make it big! Buyers, rather connoisseurs, as we would like to call them, can grab hold of the most exotic products from a colossal collection, at our store. These products at any designer’s store may cost you an arm and a leg. However, buyers at High5store will have an upper hand with the direct access to the products from the seller’s end. High5Store believes shopping should be fun and will leave no stones unturned in making shopping exciting and fun filling for its buyers and sellers. So let's do some High5 shopping with us!!! High5Store is an online venture of HighFive India Pvt Ltd.

Customer Comments
You will find a couple of Agile modules put to good use here. Also I have built couple of new features for social shopping.The site UI is designed by myself and also work in progress.Thanks for your great work. Without your awesome modules, High5Store would have been incomplete.

Mostrando 10 - 12 de 12 items