Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

This section descibe the upgrade process for the Agile Paypal Express module.

If you are not comfortable with doing the upgrade yourself, we offer installation/upgrade services starting at $25.  Please feel free to contact us for this service.

2.1 Preparation for upgrade:

As a best practice, it is recommended that you make a backup of your PrestaShop store before you make any changes, just in case you need to restore it.

    A. Make a backup of all files in your PrestaShop store folder.

    B. Make a backup of the entire database for your PrestaShop store.

If you choose not backup your store files, you must at least backup the older version of the Agile Paypal Express module, which is located at "YourStoreRoot/modules/agilepaypal".


2.2 Uninstall old version of Agile Paypal

- Log in to your back office

- Choose the "Modules-->Modules" option

- Find the "Agile Paypal Express" module

- Click uninstall

- Click "Delete" to delete the physical files from your PrestaShop folders.

If your PrestaShop version is 1.3x or lower, you will need to delete the physical files manually via an FTP tool or your site's control panel File manager.


2.3 Restore modified PrestaShop files.

This step is required only if your old Agile Paypal Express version is 1.1x or lower, otherwise, you can skip this step.

When you install Agile Paypal Express 1.1x or lower, you have made small changes to the following two files. You will need to find the lines you added when the older version was installed, and then remove them.

  - YourStoreRoot/authentication.php

  - YourStoreRoot/themes/YoueStoreTheme/authentication.tpl

There has been one line added to each of the above files. You will need to look at the readme.txt file from the old version of the Agile Paypal Express Checkout module to find the location of the line that was added.


2.4  Install the new Agile Paypal Express Checkout module.

Installing the new module is quite easy, you don't have make any changes to any files.

Just follow the instructions included in the new version of the Agile Paypal Express Checkout module package.