Recommended PrestShop Version

Thanks for choosing Agile.
For customers using our Agile Multiple Seller module and its accessry modules, we highly recommend to use PrestaShop 1.6x or 1.7.5 or lower. PrestaShop has made some changes in versions higher than 1.7.6 that makes it possible or very difficult to implement some of features via hooks, or override, since required hooks or override is not available.

Sept. 05, 2019

Agile Multiple Seller

The following questions will be answered on this page:

What is the Agile Multiple Seller module?
What can it to for me?
What other modules do I need for online market place?

You can download PDF version of this document here. You can also watch the video below, or click the following link to view on YouTube.

View on YouTube

First, it should be made clear that the Agile Multiple Seller module is not a reseller or affiliate module.  This module instead allows the PrestaShop store owner to provide ‘space’ within their store to other 3rd party sellers who wish to list, sell, and ship their own products.  This creates an online marketplace, or 'virtual shopping mall', for vendors.

 The Agile Multiple Seller module will not fit the following scenarios:

  • You own all products, and you want to hire sellers or store representatives to help sell your products within your store and pay them commission.
  • You are selling products for other vendors and being paid a commission.
  • You are setting up your store to be an affiliate of another online store.


If any of the above scenarios fit your current needs, the Multiple Seller module in not suitable for your purposes.

* Please note that Agile is currently developing a reseller/affiliate type system, and when complete it will be listed in our store.  This module, though, is not yet ready for use.

If, however, you wish to operate an online store (or marketplace) where 3rd party vendors can register with your store and list, sell, and ship their own products, then the Multiple Seller module is what you need.

The Agile Multiple Seller module (and its accessory modules) allow you to generate income from your store by charging 3rd party sellers in your store in various possible ways, such as commissions, transaction fees, listing fees, membership fees, or any combination of the above.

The Multiple Seller module can function by itself within the PrestaShop environment, however, it may require additional modules to meet the needs of individual shop owners.  This document will explain both the functionality and dependencies of the Multiple Seller module and its accessory modules.

We will provide this information using a question and answer format, and assuming you understand the intended purpose of the Multiple Seller module as noted above.

Q.  What Agile module do I need if I want to allow multiple sellers/vendors to sell products in my online store?

  • A.  You will need the Agile Multiple Seller module.

Q.  Who will collect the money from sales if I have 3rd party vendors in my store?

  • A.  This will depend on the setting of the ‘Payment Collection Mode’ in the configuration of the Multiple Seller module.  Note that for some configurations, additional accessory modules may be required.  The three possible answers for this question are:


1. Store will collect payment  
In this mode, you can use any PrestaShop compatible payment method, the money from sales goes directly to the store, and the store is then responsible for paying vendors any monies owed.

2. Seller will collect payment  
In this mode, you will need customized and integrated payment modules.  These are referred to as ‘accessory’ modules.  The available accessory modules for this payment collection mode are: 

Agile Stripe Marketplace
Agile Authorize.NET(credit card payment within your store)
Agile PayPal Parallel
Agile Paypal Adaotive
Agile Pay By Check,
Agile Bank Wire,
Cash On Delivery. 

In this mode, the money from sales goes directly to the seller, and the seller is then responsible for paying the store owner any monies owed for commissions, etc.

3. Both store owner and seller will collect payment 
In this mode, monies from sales will be automatically split between and paid to both the store owner and the seller, based on commission or transaction fees, etc.  For this mode, the only current payment method supported are :

Agile Stripe Marketplace
Agile Authorize.NET(credit card payment within your store)
Agile PayPal Parallel
Agile Paypal Adaotive

This module is required for this type of payment mode.  Please note that if you use above modules, you will also need to use the Seller Commissions module even if you do not intend to charge commissions.

 Q.  Can I charge sellers a commission and/or transaction fee on sales within my store?

 A.  If you do wish to charge a commission and/or transaction fee within the store, you will need the accessory Agile Seller Commission module.  However, if you do not wish to charge sellers a commission or transaction fee, then you do not need any additional modules.  Also, if you do wish to charge sellers a commission or transaction fee but wish to handle all billing and payments outside the store, you do not need any additional modules.

 Q.  Can I charge sellers a fee to be a member in the store?

 A.  Yes, you can do this using the Agile Membership module.  This module allows the store owner to charge members a flat fee based on time period (e.g. monthly, annually, etc.).  Multiple fee levels, or structures, may be configured for a variety of purposes.  And, when used with the Multiple Seller module allows the store owner to base membership fees on maximum number of product listings.

 Q.  In addition to (or instead of) commissions and transaction fees, can I charge sellers a fee for listing products in my store?

 A.  Yes.  Using the accessory module Agile Seller List Options you can charge sellers for a variety of listing options.  Default options are Basic Listing, List at Home, Hot Item, and Top of Category.  Any amount can be charged for any list option, or any list option can be free.

 Q.  How do I handle shipping and handling with multiple sellers?

 A.  If you sell only virtual (or downloadable) products, you will not need any additional modules.  However, if you sell tangible products that require shipment, you will need the Agile Seller Shipping module.  This module allows each seller to set up their own private shipping carriers and related shipping costs.

 Q.  Can I provide my sellers with a system which will allow communication between customers and sellers?  For instance, customers can ask sellers questions, and sellers can respond?

 A.  Yes.  This is possible by using the accessory module Agile Seller Messenger.  Using this module, a new Q&A tab is placed on product pages that allows a customer to ask a question or make a comment about a product, and sellers can respond to those questions or comments.

 Q.  Can I implement a system where customers can rate and/or review sellers?

 A.  Yes, you can do this by using the accessory module Agile Seller/Vendor Rating.  Using this module customers can rate and/or review sellers in the store.

We hope this has answered any questions you may have on what modules may be needed to fulfill a given functionality within your PrestaShop store regarding a multiple seller system.  If you have further questions, please feel free to ask prior to purchase to insure your needs will be met by our modules.  You can also look at each of our modules in more detail on the product pages of our store for more information. 

* And for those looking for a reseller/affiliate type of system rather than a multiple seller system, don’t forget to check back in the near future.  Work has begun on the new module, and we’re looking forward to providing this feature to our customers soon.