Showcase list
There are 2 showcase(s) found.
Date Submitted: 2016-01-23 01:19:02
PrestaShop version:
Products Used
Module de vendeur/fournisseur agile PrestaShop MultipleAgile vendeur/fournisseur de PrestaShop Module de notation
Module de agile Prestashop vendeur Conseil
Agile Prestashop Bank Wire 1.0
Vendeur de PrestaShop Agile Messenger Module
Module d'expédition agile vendeur de PrestaShop
Agile Prestashop Bank Wire 1.0
Module Boutique agile PrestaShop Multiple
Agile Block Category for Multiple Seller
Agile PrestaShop Price Comparison for Multiple Sellerr
Agile PrestaShop Paypal Module de paiement parallèle
Agile Shipping Estimation module
Agiles outils vendeur de PrestaShop
Store Description
BonnyExpress is an online marketplace where sellers can list their products, even can import from they ebay store into they account.Customer Comments
We offer 6 months free without paying commission, after seller can start paying 5 % fee. Date Submitted: 2013-03-27 21:12:02
PrestaShop version:
Products Used
Agile PrestaShop Paypal Express Checkout ModuleModule de composition de PrestaShop agile
Module de vendeur/fournisseur agile PrestaShop Multiple
Module de bannière en rotation de PrestaShop agile
Module de PrestaShop Newsetter éditeur/manager agile
Agile vendeur/fournisseur de PrestaShop Module de notation
Module de agile Prestashop vendeur Conseil
Agile PrestaShop vendeur liste les Options Module
Module de PrestaShop Paypal paiement adaptative agile
Module de PrestaShop Google Checkout agile
Vendeur de PrestaShop Agile Messenger Module
Module d'expédition agile vendeur de PrestaShop
Agile Prestashop Bank Wire 1.0
Module Boutique agile PrestaShop Multiple
Store Description
North Country Trading Post - A unique multi-vendor store with items from the forests, streams, lakes, and back woods of the North. And much more...Customer Comments
The Agile modules are the best (and most useful) products around for the PrestaShop system, and the Agile team is the best around for product support. Couldn't have launched the store without their modules and their help... Résultats 1 - 2 sur 2.