Commission mode:
Category Commission - The commission setting and calculation will be based on product category. In this commission mode, shipping fee will never be included in commission calculation.
Order Amount - This commission mode will be set and based on total amount of an order. You can choose to include or do not include shipping fee for commission calculation.
1. Commission rate settings:
- Transaction fee setting - Flat fees charged per transaction/order.
- Commission fee charge - Fees based on percentage of total sales amount.
- Combination of Transaction fee + Commission fee.
- Deduction rate setting - you can set a certain percentage to be deducted from total sales for commisson calculation.
2. Different Levels of Commission Rate Settings
- Store level commission rate setting (default rate for all sellers).
- Seller level commission rate setting (set different rates for different sellers).
3. Commission Calculation Function
- Automatically calculate commissions based on commission rate setting for each order.
- Automatically calculate seller account balances.
- Account summary (i.e. sales amount, commission amount) on specified period.
4. Account History Function - Detailed account history with the following information:
- Commission occurrence - when order is confirmed
- Commission cancellation - when order is cancelled
- Payments seller paid to store owner (happens in "Seller collects Payments" mode)
- Payment store owner paid to seller (happens in "Store collects payments" mode)
5. Payment Function - Paypal - (Dependent on Multiple Seller payment collection mode):
- Seller can pay outstanding commissions to store owner easily by clicking the "Pay" button in "Seller collects Payments" mode.
- Store owner can pay sellers with commission deducted in "Store Collects Payments" mode.
6. Account Balances
- This module will automatically keep track of the sellers' accounts, so you can see account balances at any time.
7. Secured Access Permission Control - Sellers can only see their own information, i.e.:
- Transaction fee rates
- Commission fee rates
- Account history
- Account balance
- Seller to store payments via Paypal
8. Configurable Voucher Cost and Sharing Feature
The Seller Commission module now supports orders with vouchers, with the following conditions:
- All vouchers can only be issued by the store owner.
- All vouchers used at time of purchase by customers will be shared by sellers with the percentage of products amount in the order.
You can configure the cost of vouchers in the following two ways:
- Voucher charged to sellers - the cost of the voucher will be deducted from seller sales for each order. For example, if the seller has a $100 product purchase, and the customer used a $10 voucher discount, then the final sale of the seller is $90.
- Voucher charged to store owner - sellers will receive the original sales amount before the voucher is applied. For example, if the seller has a $100 product purchase and customer used a $10 voucher discount, then the final amount of the sale to the seller is still $100. The $10 voucher will be at the store's cost.
9. Configurable Shipping Fee Inclusion or Exclusion in Commission Calculation
This module is configurable to include or exclude the calculation of commisson and/or commission fees.
Based on your business model and policy, you can decide whether to include or exclude shipping fees with the commission fee (seller commission).

Version - 2016.11.28
Supports PrestaShop 1.7x
Version - 2016.08.21
Feature - Allow admin to specify the order statuses to trigger Seller Commission creation/generation (configure at seller commission module).
Feature - Allow admin to specify the order statuses to trigger Seller Commission cancellation (configure at seller commission module) .
New feature - It is configurable for store admin to choose use Paypal for payments between seller and store or not.
If choose not - Seller will not need to enter Paypal account unless use the seller use Paypal module to accept payment from customers
This configuration is added to Agile Seller Commission module.
New feature - Commission mode: You can choose one of following commission mode
Rate By Category
Rate By Seller
New feature - Export seller commission as CSV file.
New feature - Dependent configuration options appears/hidden automatically based on main configuration items.
Version - 2015.12.01
Support new agile module structure
Version - 2015.08.22
- Fix potential issue that happen on a lower version of PHP environment, when there is white spaces after "php?"
Version - 2015.04.18
- Fix - Commission currency display issue
- Make it configurable for seller commission to exclude tax or not
- fixed an bug - layout issue of Total (summary) row in back office Account History page.
- fixed an bug - seller commission record "seller_sales" column calculation was incorrect if there is any tax involved in the order.
Version 1.3.0 - 2014.04.04
- Support PrestaShop 1.6x
- Support responsive theme
- during installation, the module will create default Transactions fee (0) and Commission fee (10%) record at store level.
- improvement - admin is able to filter out account history record by record type
- changed record_type (BUYER PAY STORE) from 0 to 3 to fix issue with record type filtering at back office list page.
- fixed an issue that non-super-admin is not able to see new tab added by this module (Commission Fees/Transaction Fees/Account History/Account Balance)
- fixed issue - seller is able to delete a commission rate setting records at back office
Version 1.2.9 - 2013.04.12
- Change all admin tab to PrestaShop 1.5x standard
Version 1.2.7 - 2013.04.12
- Fixed: when admin try to pay seller, it redirected to log in page at front office.
Version 1.2.6 - 2013.04.06
- Adjusted to compatible with PrestaShop 1.5.4
- Seller is able to pay account balance from front store - My Seller Account - Summary page
Version 1.2.5 - 2013.03.21
- Fixed an displaying issue at Account History page of My Seller Account. The account history records are mismatched with other sellers data.
- Changed name "Insertion Fee" to "Commission Fee" to make it more appropriate.
Version 1.2.3 - 2012.12.01
- Integrated with new released Agile Multiple Shop module which allow each seller to have a virtual shop, virtual directory and separated themes.
Version 1.2.2 - 2012.12.01
- compatible with Agile Seller Multiple Shop
Version 1.2.1 - 2012.10.26
- Fixed commission calculation when exclude shipping at commission. The shipping should be included in the "total" (was not included) even excluded from commission calculation.
Version 1.2.0 - 2012.10.20
- Module adjusted to be compatible with PrestaShop 1.5x
Version 1.1.0 - 2012.09.23
- account history record will not be added for store (if id_seller ==0)
- support split cart and discount voucher split
- Changed to use Order data instead of shopping cart for commission generation, so even if product price is changed, it will not be affected.
- Fixes a bug that at seller commission amount calculation when used for Agile paypal adaptive module. (2012.0617-2012.09.14)
Version 1.0.13 - 2012.06.22
- Deduction % from total sale for commission calculation
specify deduction rate percentage at Commission Fee tab
display deduction amount and order origin at Account History
- Integrated to prestabay module so that
you can specify deduction for orders imported from ebay (via prestabay)
- hide store owner transactions from Account History/Account Balance because it is not necessary and most cases store owner does not have products to sell, so there will be records.
Version 1.0.8 - 2012.04.27
- The module support voucher functions for sellers. Vouchers can only be issued by store, but shared by sellers by the percentage of products amount in an order.
The voucher cost could be in following two mode
* At sellers cost: the voucher discount amount will be deducted from sellers sales amount.
* At store's cost: the voucher discount amount will not be deducted from sellers amount.
- Shipping fee handling in commission calculation now is configurable in two different ways.
* Include shipping - Shipping fee will be included in Commission calculation
* Exclude shipping - Shipping fee will be excluded in Commission calculation
Version 1.0.5 - 2012.02.25
- Integrated into Agile Paypal Adaptive Payment, make it possible to handle seller commission payments automatically without manually perform payment.
Version 1.0.7 - 2012.02.25
- Integrated into seller shipping module
Version 1.0 - 2011.11.25
1. Commission rate setting
Transaction fee setting - Fees based on per transaction/order
Commission fee charge - Fees based on percentage of total sales amount
Combination of Transaction fee + Commission fee
2. Different level of commission rate setting
Store level commission rate setting (default rate for all sellers)
Seller level commission rate setting (set different rate for different seller)
3. Commission calculation function
Automatically calculate commisions based on commission rate setting for each order
Automatically calculate seller account balance
Account summary(sales amount, commission amount) on specificed period
4. Account history function
Detailed account history with following informaiton
Commission occureence - when order is confirmed
Commission cancellation - when order is cancelled
Payment seller paid to store owner - happens at "Seller collects Payments" mode
payment sotre owner paid to seller - happens at "Store collects payments" mode
5. Payment function - Paypal
It depsned on Agile Multiple Seller payment collection mode:
Seller can pay outstanding commissions to store by easily click "Pay" button - "Seller collects Payments"
Store owner can pay seller sales with commission deducted - "Store collects payments"
6. Account balance
The module will automatically keep track of the seller account, you can see account balance at any time
7. Secured access permission control
All sellers can only see his/her own information as following. All those informaiton is read only.
- Transaction fee rate
- Commission fee rate
- Account history
- Account balance
- pay seller via Paypal